one of those things that don’t make sense at first!

The AA 12th Step says: “Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
This entire step is about the joy we get from working the AA Program up to this point. We are now happy, joyous, and free because of our spiritual awakening and wish to share it with other suffering alcoholics.
And sharing it is what this step is all about. This newfound happiness, joy, and freedom are new to many of us who call ourselves alcoholics. I could be surrounded by family and “friends,” and still feel so lonely that I could cry. And many times did!
Now that the rewards of working the AA Program are beginning to appear, what does a good alcoholic or addict look for? More. Much more! And how do you get more, much more?
You start by spreading the message to other suffering alcoholics. You may wonder how you would do this. You know that you didn’t pay much attention to crusading “preachers,” let alone “reformed alcoholics.”
What would you have thought if, when you were in the madness, you were sitting at the bar and someone started banging your ears with quotes from the AA Big Book?
At the least, you would have told him to shut up. At the most, you would have tried to shove that book right where the sun does not shine. But, you would continue drinking, whatever came next.
Think of a time when you were first discovering that you may love someone very much. You thought about them all the time. You felt great when you thought about them.
You were so happy even thinking about this person and wished to share your joy with anyone and everyone who would listen. So you thought and talked about how wonderful the feelings were with all who would listen.
The people that you shared this love with were happy for you and wished you well every time you repeated your story.
Forward this to today. You are feeling good about yourself and what you are accomplishing and think about it constantly. Your good feelings about yourself seem to become even better when you think about them.
Then, this mental red flag pops up warning you that maybe not everyone is ready to hear about it. And, if they are anything like you were before, they may even get a little hostile if you started doing what they considered “preaching” to them.
When you first entered the program you began with the 1st Step. Expressing our feelings by sharing with others should be thought of in the very same way. Start with an intro step.
Who would want to listen to you tell how you began to drop the fears and gain some peace and serenity, maybe for the first time in your life? I found them at AA meetings.
These people had been there, done that, and had the same t-shirt. They not only listened to me but encouraged me to tell more. They shared their experiences, strengths, and hopes with me and asked for me to do the same.

You can do the very same thing! But, you might wonder, how could you ever do this without wearing out your welcome at the AA tables?
Simple! Take 1st steps, easy steps. Make coffee before meetings. Set up tables and get the meeting room ready. After the meeting, stick around and help clean up. This is how you get to know others. They want to share their experiences, strengths and hopes too.
Not only will you get to know them better, but they will also get to know you. The talk that is exchanged is an added bonus from the meeting. You discover quickly that you are not unique. Others have walked the same walk as you have. And may still be doing so.
Soon, you may be asked to give an open talk. This is where you simply share your experiences, strengths, and hopes with a group of people who have similar experiences, strengths, and hopes. If asked, do it! Here is another great place to receive the rewards of the program.
So, it is up to you! How do you hope and pray to live your life? Would you like to be happy, joyous, and free? Or do you wish to remain your same sad, depressed, and lower than a snake’s belly feeling as you may be right now?
The choice is yours to choose so choose wisely! Thank you, God!
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