you are not alone! Spirituality is part of our entire system. Our physical body, thoughts, actions, our existence. I do not always heed its gentle urgings and frustrations. I sometimes totally deny its existence. But it is there and everywhere, just like the air we breathe. A child ignoring or failing to heed the urgings… Continue reading If You Get Frustrated When Dealing With Your Frustrations
Blog Posts
Take the Words “Luck” and “Coincidence” Out of Your Thinking
because they just don’t belong there! Like so many other people, I always thought that many things happened by coincidence or by luck. “Man, you were sure lucky when that truck missed you by inches.” “That was a real coincidence that you showed up at that meeting for the first time when so and so… Continue reading Take the Words “Luck” and “Coincidence” Out of Your Thinking
How to Understand The Law of Divine Oneness
that says that everything in the universe is interconnected. We’ve talked about the We-ness or oneness of the AA program. The AA program is not a solo project. We are all in this together. The Big Book and the 12 Steps all talk of WE, not I. I could not get sober by myself. I was… Continue reading How to Understand The Law of Divine Oneness
Come Join a Live Discussion on Spirituality and Religion Tomorrow
because we saved a spot just for you. Was I the only one who had a problem with religion when coming into the AA Program or any recovery program? When I began, I had a large problem with religion. I thought that God was always judging and punishing and I never knew about a loving… Continue reading Come Join a Live Discussion on Spirituality and Religion Tomorrow
Step 1 Is Not Just for Newcomers
but is a start for any who are having a problem working their program of recovery Photo by Breakingpic: When either beginning to work on your program or reviewing it, life can seem to be more of a struggle. I find it best to start with the 1st Step and go on through the steps in… Continue reading Step 1 Is Not Just for Newcomers
How to Live in this Moment
because actually, it is the only moment we have. A paraphrase from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle is: The more that you devote to the past or future robs you of the only real time that there is and that is right now. Reverend Stephanie Sorensen reminds us that this helps us to believe that the… Continue reading How to Live in this Moment
Here is What Love Looks Like
in case you were wondering Many think that, if we can not see, taste, touch, smell, or hear, it is not real. I have a different thought on it all. Love is something that goes far beyond the physical. Every day, when I am in my chair writing, Oreo jumps onto HER couch, which is… Continue reading Here is What Love Looks Like
Living Our Daily Lives Without Drinking
is not impossible, even for an alcoholic. “I always feel so good when I leave a meeting but then things seem to slip back into chaos.” “Why do I have to go to a meeting in order to feel good and then it all goes out the window when I am not at a meeting?”… Continue reading Living Our Daily Lives Without Drinking
What Do Your Thoughts Do, If Anything, About Anger
What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger! Sometimes, it may be just the simple act of being asked something and not immediately able to have the answer. In any list that AA puts forth as Character… Continue reading What Do Your Thoughts Do, If Anything, About Anger
Making Your Life, That is Pretty Good Now, Even Better
If you have been in the program for even a short time, you should have noticed that your life, although maybe not looking great right now, is grudgingly seeming to be getting better. If you have been in the program for some time, days, months, years, or decades, your life has been getting better quite… Continue reading Making Your Life, That is Pretty Good Now, Even Better
Spirituality and How to Stop Being The Victim
because you can choose differently Do you feel or have you felt like so many of us who were trying to become sober, that whatever happened, you were the victim? Everything bad or wrong was caused by someone or something else outside of us. “Not my fault, man!” How many times have you heard this… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Stop Being The Victim
Spirituality and How It Works or Doesn’t Work for Me
and it always works When I came into the program of AA, I was physically, morally, and spiritually bankrupt. I didn’t know what was wrong but I knew something was seriously wrong in my life. When I first heard what was being said in AA and saw people, who I knew from when we used… Continue reading Spirituality and How It Works or Doesn’t Work for Me
My Mind Was a Stinking Landfill
so how did I get rid of this garbage so I could get some sleep? When new to the AA Program, I stopped drinking and thought that this was all that the program was about. Stopping drinking. It didn’t take long to realize that there was more, much more, to the program. Of the 12… Continue reading My Mind Was a Stinking Landfill
Feelings And How Do You Learn
with your head or with your heart? Were you wide open with your feelings or did you keep them to yourself” I was always very guarded with my true feelings and bottled up a lot of frustrations, anger, and fear, that came out in other self-destructive ways. When I took the advice of my early… Continue reading Feelings And How Do You Learn
You Can’t Avoid The Law of Attraction
AKA Mirror of Life Here we go again, the Law of Attraction — What you put into life you get back exactly as when putting your image into a mirror. I call this the Mirror of Life. An old Scottish Proverb goes “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” And you can’t… Continue reading You Can’t Avoid The Law of Attraction
How To Successfully Deal With Relapse Using Spirituality, Part Three
the inventory phase. NOW WE ARE REALLY READY TO GO TO WORK! We are now at Inventory Steps, 4, 5, and 10. Step 4 states “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” This step contains 9 words that stopped many who were trying to work the program dead in their tracks. Why? FEAR entered… Continue reading How To Successfully Deal With Relapse Using Spirituality, Part Three
Life Has Settled. Why Should I Keep Attending AA Meetings
even though I am off probation and no longer drink? I busted my butt for years to get a beautiful lawn, home, garden, education, job, love life, loving spouse, and great children. Now, isn’t it time to stop watering, remodeling, learning, putting love into a relationship, and just taking and enjoying it? Do you see… Continue reading Life Has Settled. Why Should I Keep Attending AA Meetings
Whether You Think That You Can Or That You Can’t
you are usually right What is the strongest part of yourself? Arms? Wrong. Legs? Wrong. Thoughts? Bingo! You are the winner! The study of Spirituality shows us that our thoughts have the power of a tornado. 🌪 ️Absolutely nothing is done that does not begin with a thought. This includes our feelings about other people,… Continue reading Whether You Think That You Can Or That You Can’t
What is The Ripple Effect
and how does it affect you? And, more to the point, how does the Ripple Effect affect you? Didn’t we just discuss recently the ripple effect and how it applies to our everyday thoughts and actions? Every particle in the Universe is in vibration and constant motion. The Ripple Effect is another way of saying… Continue reading What is The Ripple Effect
Gratitude, Forgiveness, Love, and Joy
and when you have all this, Oh, Boy! Recently, I was in a position to see, once again, many reasons to be grateful. I was working at the St. Andrews Soup Kitchen on the East Side of Flint, MI. The usual crew of homeless, hopeless people from the East Side was in the Kitchen for… Continue reading Gratitude, Forgiveness, Love, and Joy
How To Know the Law of Vibration Applies to You
As it does to everyone and everything! The Life Chiropractic College states “Our thoughts, emotions, and wills send out vibrations into the universe. Every thought or mental state has a corresponding rate and mode of vibration. The higher the vibration, the longer-lasting the effects are. The lower the vibration, the more potent the effects are in… Continue reading How To Know the Law of Vibration Applies to You
The Law of Attraction and Achieving Peace, Comfort, and Serenity
or gloom, doom, and despair. So, we’ll start out with a question. Which do you choose? That’s right. You have choices in life. Do you choose to be happy, joyous, and free or do you choose to be miserable? When I was in the madness of active alcoholism, I had no choices. I took a… Continue reading The Law of Attraction and Achieving Peace, Comfort, and Serenity
How To Deal With Anger
in a spiritually positive way. What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger! Sometimes, the trigger may be just the simple act of being asked something and not immediately being able to have the answer. In any… Continue reading How To Deal With Anger
The Difference Between an Alcoholic and a Non-Alcoholic
is like the difference between night and day! “…one of the primary differences between alcoholics and nonalcoholics is that nonalcoholics change their behavior to meet their goals and alcoholics change their goals to meet their behaviors.” ― Alcoholics Anonymous How’s that for simplicity, huh? Just as simple as the entire AA Program. I didn’t say that… Continue reading The Difference Between an Alcoholic and a Non-Alcoholic
What Do You Say After Saying The Words “I AM”
because they may be the most important words, you ever speak. Don’t look for the light. BE the light! Everyone has a story to tell and wants to be heard. I have not, to my knowledge, known anyone who didn’t want their story told. Even the shy want their story released, whether or not they… Continue reading What Do You Say After Saying The Words “I AM”
Spirituality and K.I.S.S.
which is an acronym for Keep It Spiritually Simple KISS is an acronym for Keep It Spiritually Simple. I like that better than the one that I heard first, Keep It Simple Stupid. There is too much name-calling going on so we don’t need to add to it. We say many times that the AA… Continue reading Spirituality and K.I.S.S.
The Past Is a Place To Learn From
Not a Place to Live. This abandoned vehicle was great in its day. But, today, it should be left in the past with all of the other memories. The only thing you can do with it now is to consider what it would cost in money and exasperation trying to retrieve and restore it. What’s… Continue reading The Past Is a Place To Learn From
The Past Is a Place To Learn
not a place to live. There are only three times in any life — the past, the future, and right now. The choice in which you will live is your call. Nobody else’s! Knowing this, yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, and today, right now, is the only cash that we… Continue reading The Past Is a Place To Learn
Don’t Quit 5 Minutes Before the Miracle Happens
so stick with it a little longer. and give it a chance. So, is it starting to seem like you never will be able to get and stay sober? No matter how long or short you have been staying sober, you have gotten this far because you recognized something that you wanted badly! You have… Continue reading Don’t Quit 5 Minutes Before the Miracle Happens
Sobriety is Like Love
because you can’t keep it unless you give it away! So, how do you give your sobriety away and keep it, too? Let’s first check out loving and keeping love in your life. How long would you expect someone to continue loving you if you didn’t tell them and show them love regularly? If I… Continue reading Sobriety is Like Love