One topic has seemingly brought all parts of the world into thinking and in many cases obsessing about the same thing at the same time – coronavirus. This has brought many into a state of panic. Tried buying a package of toilet paper early in the pandemic? Fear of the unknown has always been at… Continue reading Spirituality and Coronavirus and a whole host of Fears and How To Handle Them
Blog Posts
Spirituality and how to make it work for you
When I came into the program of AA, I was physically, morally, and spiritually bankrupt. I didn’t know what was wrong but I knew something was seriously wrong in my life. When I first heard what was being said in AA and saw people, who I knew from when we used to drink and fight… Continue reading Spirituality and how to make it work for you
Spirituality and How to deal with Anger
What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger! Sometimes, it may be just the simple act of being asked something and not immediately able to have the answer. It has been said that we are not responsible… Continue reading Spirituality and How to deal with Anger
Are you ready for a GREAT Zoom experience?
Every Monday through Friday at 3:00 PM EST since March 2020 we have had a Zoom meeting called Spirituality and …… We fill in the blank daily with a different topic. This is an AA meeting with a very strong Spiritual accent. It is open to anyone who has a desire to stop drinking or… Continue reading Are you ready for a GREAT Zoom experience?
Spirituality and How to use it daily
To me, the most basic, easy to understand Law of Spirituality is the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. What would you like to attract to you? This means that whatever I put into my life comes back to me. There is an old street expression “What goes around comes around!” If I put out… Continue reading Spirituality and How to use it daily
Spirituality and How to use the Laws of Vibration and Attraction
Spiritual Advisor and author Shannon Kaiser states “You will only attract to yourself energy that matches up with your energy. You will only attract vibrations that match up with your vibration.” We have talked briefly previously about the ripple effect, Law of Vibration, and how it applies to our everyday thoughts and actions, Law of… Continue reading Spirituality and How to use the Laws of Vibration and Attraction
Spirituality and How to begin to see it work
With no religious or spiritual background or belief upon coming into the program of AA, I didn’t think much of or about it. I truly did not have a clue about what to even believe. My prayers were limited to “God get me out of this and I will never do it again. “He would… Continue reading Spirituality and How to begin to see it work
Spirituality and how to attain Belief or Faith
In the Bible Book of St. Matthew 21: v22 it says “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? Belief! This is the forerunner of “Fake it till you make it.” This was one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received when I… Continue reading Spirituality and how to attain Belief or Faith
Reverend Stephanie Sorensen excerpts from talk of July 11, 2021 at Flint’s Life Enrichment Center
Spirituality and How to live in the outer world When we depend on the outer world it is because we don’t feel our oneness with the Love of the Universe. We don’t trust that the Universe even knows we’re here, much less that It loves us and is providing all our needs (even when it… Continue reading Reverend Stephanie Sorensen excerpts from talk of July 11, 2021 at Flint’s Life Enrichment Center
Spirituality and the amazing power of Prayer
When I was younger, I was quite lost when it came to prayer and/or meditation. Maybe even a little intimidated by hearing about prayer. My prayers had usually been “God, get me out of this…..(fill in the blanks)… and I will never do it again.” He would get me out of it and I would… Continue reading Spirituality and the amazing power of Prayer
New AA Meeting. Zoom on in!
Looking for a great AA meeting? We have been meeting every Monday through Friday since March of 2020 at 3:00PM EST. Many are going back to closed meetings but we are continuing and growing. Why don’t you Zoom on in and join us soon? The meeting ID is 6035280704 and Password is 399778. This is… Continue reading New AA Meeting. Zoom on in!
Spirituality and Now that I’m sober, what do I do?
This is an edited repeat of a post from June 16, 2021. I am not a fan of reposting items but I believe that this is something that is worth revisiting to help us become and stay sober. I am approaching the 45th anniversary of my last drink. In Earth years, this is a long… Continue reading Spirituality and Now that I’m sober, what do I do?
Spirituality and Can the weather get you feeling a little down? If so, now, today might just be a good time to count your blessings!
Today’s weather may be the kind where it would be great to just snuggle up a little deeper into the blankets and stay warm and dry. It is cold, wet, and rainy outside and some have their spirits downed because of this. We all have our own definition of good weather and this means that… Continue reading Spirituality and Can the weather get you feeling a little down? If so, now, today might just be a good time to count your blessings!
Spirituality and What do I do when some of the insane thinking from the days of madness returns?
Step 2 states: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. “Yah, but I don’t wish death to people who disagree with me any more – serious injury maybe but not death.” So what’s the problem? The problem is that thoughts are THE most powerful ingredient of our entire… Continue reading Spirituality and What do I do when some of the insane thinking from the days of madness returns?
Spirituality and What blessings has it brought to me?
Today, since I have discovered the Spirituality that has always been in me but I did not see, I am too blessed to be stressed! I say this without a single reservation, but, or “except for this.” When I was introduced to Spirituality by the amazing Program of Alcoholics Anonymous 45 years ago, I was… Continue reading Spirituality and What blessings has it brought to me?
Spirituality and What’s in it for me?
This is the question that many ask about practically everything, and in most cases for good reason. Where are you right now in your quest to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? Whether I am in the depths of despair or heights of glee, I have discovered that by living my life while choosing to be… Continue reading Spirituality and What’s in it for me?
Spirituality and How can I make my family love me again?
It seems like when, in the madness, I always hurt my family and the people who were the closest to me the most. It is best demonstrated by the old prayer “God, get me out of this situation and I will never do it again!” Or, by my saying “I will never do (fill in… Continue reading Spirituality and How can I make my family love me again?
Spirituality – How To Deal With Significant Loss
Kübler-Ross originally developed stages to describe the process that patients with serious injury or illness go through as they come to terms with their upcoming significant loss, which is their own deaths; it was later applied to grieving friends and family as well and divorcees, who seemed to undergo a similar process. Losing the bottle,… Continue reading Spirituality – How To Deal With Significant Loss
Spirituality and K.I.S.S.
When I first came into the AA Program, I saw many signs posted on the walls of the AA meeting rooms in the basements of old churches. When I saw these slogans and acronyms I thought “Oh, man. Just like a group of Boy Scouts with their slogans.” I quickly came to understand that they… Continue reading Spirituality and K.I.S.S.
Spirituality and Abundance
“I don’t have a pot to go in or a window to throw it out of so how can I ever be Happy, Joyous, and Free?” “I am so poor I can’t afford to even pay attention.” “So, how can I ever possibly get ahead?” Wayne Dyer tells us “Doing what you love is the… Continue reading Spirituality and Abundance
Spirituality and What’s Really In It For Me?
What’s in it for me is not just a question asked by “selfish Sidneys.” We all have probably wondered the same thing for various reasons over our lifetimes many times. It is not a bad question. In fact, it is many times a very good question. This is because it covers a lot of ground.… Continue reading Spirituality and What’s Really In It For Me?
Spirituality Brings Peace and Serenity
When I was in the madness, and even before that, Peace did not ever seem to be anywhere around me. As chaotic as my life was when young, it went flying out the window when I started drinking because I drank alcoholically from the very first Strohs. From having a blackout after my very first… Continue reading Spirituality Brings Peace and Serenity
Spirituality and thoughts. How they influence actions for better or worse.
Each and every action that we do is preceded by a thought. We can’t do anything without thinking it first, no matter how long or fleeting the thought may be. Thoughts are the powerful items in our systems that lead to everything that we do. This is why we say “Change your thoughts and change… Continue reading Spirituality and thoughts. How they influence actions for better or worse.
Spirituality and Now that I have made it through court, not had a drink in X days, weeks, months, or years, not being hounded by family members, police, courts, bosses, all of the above, why do you say that I should keep attending these AA meetings?
I have worked for years and finally have a beautiful lawn, home, garden, education, love life, loving spouse, great children and now feel that it is time for me to stop watering, remodeling, learning, putting love into a relationship and just taking and enjoying it, or being a living example for my now adult children.… Continue reading Spirituality and Now that I have made it through court, not had a drink in X days, weeks, months, or years, not being hounded by family members, police, courts, bosses, all of the above, why do you say that I should keep attending these AA meetings?
Spirituality and has my life improved or worsened?
The Program of AA shows us exactly how to take advantage of the spirituality that is talked about in the Program for an improved life. OK, now how do I use my continuing growth of spiritual knowledge to my advantage? It all goes back to the first 3 steps of AA, how much faith we… Continue reading Spirituality and has my life improved or worsened?
Spirituality and how to apply it to our thought processes
Step 3 says: We turned our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. OK, I remember when I first approached this step thinking “OK, God or Whatever is listening, take it and now what?” Being new to the AA Program and new to trying to work with these… Continue reading Spirituality and how to apply it to our thought processes
Spirituality and Who’s going to love me if I get all Spiritual and pious?
The religion that I grew up with seemed to be centered around a judgmental, finger-pointing, punishing God that was seemingly sentencing me to a life of continued Hell. And maybe even an afterlife of the same. “Jim, God’s going to get you for that;” ” Jim, you are a good boy but…;” ” Jim, you’re… Continue reading Spirituality and Who’s going to love me if I get all Spiritual and pious?
Spirituality and What’s in it for me, if anything?
For me, and if there are any others like me, there is a one-word answer to what’s in it for me is, loudly and clearly, “EVERYTHING!” Everything that I have today, including the ability to breathe in followed by out on a regular basis, I owe to finally discovering that there is a Power greater… Continue reading Spirituality and What’s in it for me, if anything?
Spirituality and What continued learning about Spirituality is doing for me
When I entered this amazing program, I was advised quickly that it is not a religious program but is a deeply spiritual program. I was not even sure what Spirituality was. My first thoughts were “Sure, like there is a difference.” I, like some other newcomers to the program, had had unpleasant experiences with religion… Continue reading Spirituality and What continued learning about Spirituality is doing for me
Spirituality and paying the price to keep what you have now
How are you feeling right now and is it better or worse than the last day before you came into this program. If you are feeling worse, then God Bless you and best wishes on feeling better tomorrow and the rest of your tomorrows. If you are feeling better, then how far are you willing… Continue reading Spirituality and paying the price to keep what you have now