Podcast Update

Guests begin on our podcast on January 31, 2022. Our first guest will be Father Jay Gantz, from St. Andrews Church, Flint, MI. Father Jay has been in parishes in the inner cities of New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit to name a few, and has been at St. Andrews for over 20 years. Flint has been listed from 1st to 5th most impoverished city in the US for several years, now. It is also ranked in the top few for most violent cities. St. Andrews is located on the East Side of Flint. The most impoverished and violent area in Flint. Father Jay runs a very successful soup kitchen from the church, feeding the bodies and souls of the area. He has worked with people in recovery in all of his parishes. We will discuss Spirituality and Recovery. Reach our podcasts at https://anchor.fm/james-b-boylan
