“Our Father” Who Art In Heaven…

I believe that the first two words of The Lord’s Prayer are the most important part of the prayer.

Image by Spencer Wing from Pixabay

That is a powerful, albeit questionable statement. You may wonder why I would think the words, “Our Father,” are the most important portion of the Lord’s Prayer. 

For one, The Lord’s Prayer is arguably the most well-known prayer in the western world. People of many different backgrounds have memorized this and all will begin it by saying “Our Father.”

AA meetings throughout at least most of the west begin with The Lord’s Prayer. At these meetings, most people recite the prayer, even though it is not a requirement. And many new to AA come in as, at least, agnostics.

Where does the power of these words come from? From the fact that anyone and all in your day that you see, walking down the street or in the market, is you brother or sister. 

How is this possible? Because God is our father. The father of us all. We all share spiritual DNA. 

We are born into this human experience as spiritual beings. Living in a spiritual universe. Governed by spiritual law. And one with all that exists. As divine beings, we are individualized expressions of God and one with all that exists.

Reverend Stephanie Sorensen of the Life Enrichment Center in Flint, MI, said in a recent talk “As far as our relationship with our Earthly father goes, we may either be thrilled that we are so much like good old dad, or we may wish the apple had fallen a little farther from the tree (or at least rolled a bit afterward). 

But as far as our relationship with our Heavenly Father goes, we may not see any physical resemblance to Him in us at all. But even so, It’s there because His Holy Paternity is everywhere, including right where we are.”

Just think! No matter your circumstances, you are never alone. You are surrounded daily by your heavenly family.

Really, though. This is because the Higher Power, or whatever you wish to call It — God, Buddha, Allah, Love, or simply It — is not a man-like being. God is Spirit and an energy. Like electricity or gravity, you can not see it but you utilize it regularly.

So, the next time that you begin feeling lonely and that no one cares, just remember the first two words of The Lord’s Prayer, Our Father. Then things come back into proper perspective and you are not alone at all. 

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