
Now Hear This! I Became Happy, Joyous, and Free! You Can Clap Your Hands Even More!

I never knew that spirituality and affirmations were so powerful!

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Since the beginning of my study of spirituality and how it affects me, I have heard about affirmations. Of course, I was skeptical and didn’t see how saying a bunch of words would help at all with anything or free me..

Man, was I ever wrong! Again, huh? Emmet Fox, who was my 1st Spiritual Advisor through his writings and teachings, wrote The Golden Key. This is spiritual advice from the master to the questioning person who wants to improve his or her life.

Being Irish, besides trying to be a great drinker and failing, being a brawler, I also always thought that I was a poet and wordsmith. I paraphrased some of what Mr. Fox wrote in this teaching. I made an affirmation from it that I use to this day.

It starts my day off perfectly. It is: “God is working through me. I have dominion over my problems, emotions, thoughts, and actions. I am inspired by divine guidance and wisdom. My own true nature is spiritual and perfect.”

This seems to cover it all and it does for me. Because my God is not a punishing, judging tyrant sitting on a Golden Throne “Up there” somewhere. Why? He is a living, forgiving God who dwells inside my heart.

So, He always knows just what I am thinking, doing, or plotting. This scared me at one time. Now it inspires me. This led to an affirmation that I learned from my present Spiritual Advisor, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen.

It goes: “I am a Spiritual Being, living in a Spiritual Universe, that is governed by Spiritual Law. As a Divine being, I am an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists.”

Since I had the blessing to have been shot and thus experienced a small taste of the Spiritual Universe, I very willingly use these two affirmations daily. Sometimes more than once a day. It is amazing how stress-free my life is becoming.

Do I still have stress? Of course, I do. Living in the Human Condition is the reason that I do. All it takes to calm these stresses is using one or the other of the affirmations, or both — whatever the occasion calls for.

Yes, I called getting shot a blessing, and I wouldn’t advise going out and trying to receive this type of blessing, but, for me, it surely was. This has given me strong insights into the AA 11th Step.

The 11th Step says “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him.” I just KNOW that He has my back because he has always been there for me. I just was not ready, able, or willing to accept this.

If you, too, want to feel happy, joyous, and free, why don’t you just try the spiritual solution? If it doesn’t work, come back and tell me about it. When it DOES work, tell and show EVERYBODY about it. The choice is yours. Please choose wisely! Thank you, God!

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