and tomorrow can’t wait for today to arrive!
Have I got great news for you! You really do get to choose what kind of day you will have today and tomorrow.
How, you may ask? It is so simple that it is often overlooked. The ONLY time we ever have is NOW! So, how does this help? Live in the now. Start by saying the shortened version of the 3rd Step and say “God, help me.”
Then get out of His way and let Him! Now, you may wonder how you get out of God’s way and let Him. Once you ask Him to help you, just do the next right thing. And the next. And the next.
This begs the question, how do you know if the next thing is right? The answer is also very simple, although admittedly not always easy. If you asked God for help, and then if it FEELS right, it IS right.
That’s right. Your feelings enter the picture after asking your Higher Power for help. The Higher Power does not talk to you using language that you can hear.
Before, we talked about the mind and thoughts being the most powerful part of our existence. This is where communication with God comes from.
So, if, after asking for help, your mind perceives that something is right, it is right.
If there is any apprehension at all, you should stop and reconsider. Then if it feels right, it is right. If you are still apprehensive, I would suggest finding an alternative.
This is working your program 24/7/365. This is living in the now.
So, let’s answer the earlier question, how can you choose what kind of day you will have today and tomorrow? Live in the now 24/7/365. Very simple but it takes work because it is not easy.
To assist with making this drastic transition in living, simply say “God, help me” often. Throw in a bunch of “Thank you, God,” and you have a recipe for success.
This makes today a joy to be a part of. If you continue living this way, regrets become a thing of the past and you will look forward to your tomorrows because you will know that it will be great, too.
This is exactly how you make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous and tomorrow can’t wait for today to arrive!
You now are happy, joyous, and free all the time. Of course, you are not laughing when some pain or misfortune comes to others or yourself.
You are HAPPY because you are making the right decisions without the influence of alcohol.
You are JOYOUS because you are not craving a drink for yourself or misfortune for another.
And all of this is because you are FREE from any mind-altering substances.
Thank you, God!
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