Life Has Settled. Why Should I Keep Attending AA Meetings

even though I am off probation and no longer drink?

Photo by Keegan Houser:

I busted my butt for years to get a beautiful lawn, home, garden, education, job, love life, loving spouse, and great children.

Now, isn’t it time to stop watering, remodeling, learning, putting love into a relationship, and just taking and enjoying it?

Do you see something wrong with this?

Ido! What is it? I believe that you get out of life exactly what you put into your “Mirror of life.” This is the spiritual Law of Attraction. The Spiritual Laws are as real as a heart attack and physical laws like gravity and physics.

What is the Law of Attraction? The Law states that you get out of life what you put into it. The good, the bad, and the ugly!

If I stop watering and fertilizing my lawn or garden, they grow weedy and eventually die. If I stop learning, my mind grows stagnant and even my physical health suffers.

If I stop loving, others around me disappear, emotionally if not physically. If I stop trying to be a good example for my children, they will look elsewhere for inspiration and get it from far beyond my control.

If I keep watering and feeding, all around me stay healthy and loving.

MY SOBRIETY IS NO DIFFERENT AT ALL. If I stop feeding my sobriety, it too will regress into as bad or worse than it was when I first sobered up.

After a while in the AA Program, we find a meeting or meetings where we are comfortable with the other attendees. When we travel, we find meetings in other cities, states, and nations that share common interests.

We are never alone wherever we are. This, in turn, leads us to a new feeling of happiness, joy, and freedom that we may have never had before.

Now, as an old elementary school teacher used to say to us (and I use the term old because it was over 70 years ago) “Put your thinking cap on!”

What do you really want — the old life of misery, guilt, remorse, hangovers, illnesses, injuries, sleepless nights, waking up in a cold sweat, and not even knowing why?

Or the way of life that has been not only told to you but also demonstrated to you by so many in the AA Program? Admit it. You were starting to feel better about yourself and this was making your surroundings even better.

Less cringing when a car with a blue light happened to be behind you. Getting hugs from family members who avoided you for maybe years before.

Photo by Steve DiMatteo on Unsplash

The only way that I know of to keep my feelings of Happiness, Joy, and Freedom is to continue working on my AA Program to the best of my ability.

When I’m doing this, I‘m a happy, joyous, and free person. I choose to keep it. Like taking care of my lawn or garden, I must figuratively water and fertilize my life. For this, I am grateful that I have AA to help me do that.

Thank you, God!

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