How To Live in the Now

You must be sick and tired of dreading the past and worrying about the future.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How much do you fear others discovering something you did in your past?

How many times did you ever dread something that you were supposed to do tomorrow?

Many of us have yesterdays that are full of fears, grief, regrets, and remorse. Many of us also have tomorrows that have us terrified or apprehensive. “Life is just so complicated.” “If you had my life, you would drink too!”


“Just one little drink to settle my nerves then I can go on with my day!” OK, since we are talking about yesterday, how many times did you stop with one drink? Could you guarantee that, once you had that one drink, you would then stop?

I sure couldn’t! Why not? Because my name is Jim and I AM an alcoholic! That is why I wouldn’t and couldn’t stop at one, let alone guarantee that I would do anything that I would say.

It really is that simple! The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If I jump into the lake I will get wet. If I take that first drink, I am not able to guarantee my actions. ALL facts! For you either, if you are an alcoholic.

Another fact is that you can change nothing about what you did yesterday because it is OVER. You can change nothing about tomorrow because it is not here yet. The ONLY thing that you can do anything about is NOW!

Since this is all true, if you concentrate on just doing the next right thing NOW, your yesterdays will have no more regrets and your tomorrows will be taken care of by your nows. RIGHT NOW will be tomorrow’s yesterdays.


This is what I do, if it will help you any! Start with the shortened version of the 3rd Step, simply saying “God help me.”

Then start stringing these “RIGHT NOWS” together. Then your yesterdays, today, and tomorrow will be Happy, Joyous, and Free. You can thrive! The choice is YOURS! It continues to work for millions of AA members.

Being Happy, Joyous, and Free does not mean that there are no struggles that arise in life. Just that you will be happy that you can make decisions that you will not regret. Joyous that you are now choosing what to do in and with your life. And free from mind-altering substances.

So, what do you choose? Do you choose to have dread, misery, and remorse, or do you choose to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The choice is yours. Choose wisely! God bless you!

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