no matter how you judge it at first.
![Good things happen](*GtVDWG-wmV0b3LbQL0kcjQ.jpeg)
I have heard since I was very young that, when something happened, even if it were very tragic, “It was the will of God” and “It was just meant to be.” This was another reason why I was confused about God.
If I heard it from my parents or ministers or someone who I believed in, it must be true, right? Wrong! God made us in His image happy, joyous, and free. Right from birth.
So, how come there are wars, disputes, diseases, drought, famine, and bad people? Why would a loving God make or allow these things, too?
He didn’t. He made humans in His own image which is perfect. Then he gave free will to all and this is where problems begin.
A newborn does not know right, wrong, or any of the shades in between. He is born crying because some midwife smacked him on the butt. Right after that, he learned how to smile quickly.
It was when others yelled, struck each other or him, fought, lied, stole, and cheated that he learned there were bad influences around him.
Even if the baby was loved very much by the people surrounding the baby and later infant then a youngster then an adult, it learned that there were things to fear, mistrust, and a host of other hostile feelings.
People like this exist but I don’t believe that any of these negative actions are ‘The will of God.” God is Perfect Love and sees us as Perfect, just like all of his creations. So, where does this all come from?
I believe that it comes from the fact that He also gave us all free will. Many choose to use this gift of free will for good and some choose to use this gift for their own personal means, even if it is at the expense of others.
When I was in the madness, my free will was not always for the betterment of others. Did I do good things? Sure. Did I do bad things? Of course.
Throughout mankind, there are some who have in the past and are still perpetrating really wicked things. The only difference between what was done centuries ago and now is that civilization has evolved so much.
This means that the tools of destruction, mass or individual, have evolved into horrific items. But, with the addition of these newer tools, the old ones are still around and effective.
What does this all have to do with the topic? The God that I know has created me and you as spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law.
As spiritual beings, He made us in His image. As an individualized expression of God. Eternal life as in the Bible means that I am an individualized expression of God and am now simply in human form.
I transformed from spiritual to human form when carried by my birth mother and will transition from human form back to the spiritual when my body is done hosting my spirit.
This will not happen before or after it is meant to occur.
I’m not eager to leave this existence but the fear is gone. As a spiritual being, I know that my spirit and my human body are not one. My spirit is living now in my body and will continue to live after my body is gone.
That’s why, when I pass, it‘ll be the right thing. Because of my own near-death experience, I‘ve been able to give others peace while dealing with their feelings around someone who has passed. Or are awaiting their own.
Therefore, when I transition, I don’t see it as a bad thing at all. I am blessed to know that this is true. I am truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. Thank you, God!
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