As it does to everyone and everything!
The Life Chiropractic College states “Our thoughts, emotions, and wills send out vibrations into the universe. Every thought or mental state has a corresponding rate and mode of vibration.
The higher the vibration, the longer-lasting the effects are. The lower the vibration, the more potent the effects are in the short term.”
Think of the times you have been near a high-energy person. This person is emitting energy vibes that can be felt whenever you are in their presence. 😊
Now, go to the flip side. Think of the times when you are near someone who is full of gloom and doom. Everything seems to be a major problem with them. ☹️
They are not only down themselves but also seem to wish to bring others around them down.
These vibes are so real that we feel them too in varying methods and degrees. They may be in a quick shiver, hot or cold flash, smile, grimace, or in any number of other ways.
Emmet Fox explains The Law of Attraction by saying “Put simply, it says that “like attracts like,” and that our thoughts and actions establish a frequency that attracts thoughts and actions of the same vibration. 🧲
The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law every bit as real as The Law of Gravity. A simple analogy is whenever you face a mirror, for instance in a bathroom, you get an exact return image.
This image is a nonjudgmental, non-altering exact reproduction of what faced it. The Law of Attraction is the same with life. If you put love into your life, you get love in return. If you put joy into your life, you get joy in return.
If you put anger into your life, you get anger in return. If you put resentment into your life, you get resentment in return.
The law does not guarantee that the emotion will be returned by the original object of my emotion, but it will come back from somewhere.
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We have discussed The Law of Attraction and Divine Oneness or We-ness before and by now probably know that we need each other to succeed. Patterns are repeated throughout the universe. Like in a mirror. 👀
Think about the thoughts and ideas that go through your head about a ton of things. “Ah-ha, I have an original idea!” Then think of hearing someone else say the same thing at a later time and then maybe someone else the same.
I feel this a lot at AA meetings. There are no original thoughts in my head, only thoughts and ideas placed into the Divine Mind which are shared with me by my Higher Power.
I do not like hearing “As so and so says” followed by a statement because then others seem to feel obligated to attribute it to a particular person not the Higher Power who originated it.
If I live in the now and stay in the awareness of the now, I and the people around me will be truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. Like attracts like so who would you like to be around to share your time with?
Abraham Hicks says “Your life is right now! It’s not later! It’s not in that time of retirement. It’s not when the lover gets here. It’s not when you’ve moved into the new house. It’s not when you get the better job. Your life is right now.
It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it’s not ever going to get better than right now — until it gets better right now!”
Thank you, God!
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