You have spiritual law to prove you are
I have heard and even thought “I sure wish that I could be more spiritual.”
Forget about it!
Yeah, sure. But why?
Because you can not ever be any more or less spiritual than you are right now!
Wow! What could you possibly mean by that?
Ernest Holmes said in Science Of Mind: You were born as a spiritual being. You are living in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law.
As a Divine being, you are an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists.
Spirituality was not part of my thought process before coming into the AA Program. I had real problems with religion and was told that this program is spiritual, not religious.
Of course, my doubting mind thought that they were just playing with words when they said this. After all, didn’t they always say The Lord’s Prayer at the end of every meeting?
I have been in and working this remarkable program of AA for many 24 hours now. Since entering and working my program in AA, I have rejoiced, cried, loved, fought, been proper, been politically incorrect, laughed with and at, held hands both physically and emotionally, loved, and been loved.
Repulsed, saw people close to me transition, had cancer, had close ones with cancer, called great names, called a liar, and left a marriage that was more a 16-year divorce that was just waiting to happen.
Remarried, and now am enjoying a family situation that I never, even in my childhood, believed was even thinkable for me.
I have successfully sponsored a few and unsuccessfully sponsored many more. I came into this amazing program kicking and screaming.
I was a Detroit copper who now works in an inner-city soup kitchen in Flint, MI helping to feed minds and bodies with both nutritious food, encouragement, and love to all comers.
I truly believe that there may be some who can gain something from my life story and the education that I have received from you folks and others before you.
There have been super highs and super lows and I do not volunteer much information until asked. If asked, I don’t sugarcoat anything. I tell it just like I see it. If one doesn’t want to get my honest opinion, they shouldn’t ask.
If asked, and I see that this may cause a problem, I usually will warn by asking if they really want to hear what I think.
Now, with all this, we are getting closer to my answer to today’s topic about How To Know That We Are Spiritual Beings. I came into AA with no background in religion. I had attended several churches but got nothing out of any of them. When I told this to my sponsors when I was new, they said that AA was spiritual, not religious.
I didn’t know the difference. They told me that religions were all man-made. Spirituality was personal to everybody. All that I had to believe was that there was a Power greater than me and that this Power was in my own heart.
And that I could call this Higher Power anything that I wished. Allah, Jesus Christ, God, Lord, Mohammad, Buddha, the AA group, or even It.
I knew that there had to be a Higher Power of some sort. Something beyond a human had to create the universe and everything in it. Something beyond a human had to create and then orchestrate the planets and their orbits around their stars.
Something beyond a human had to create a rhythmic heartbeat that operated without human assistance. Something beyond a human had to create change in a soul that was running riotously into one who was a loving, happy, joyous, and free individual.
I am absolutely positive that there is a Higher Power, who I now choose to call God. How can I be absolutely positive?
Because he took this formerly large, angry, violent, well-armed man and transformed him a complete 180 degrees.
I totally enjoy being Happy, Joyous, and Free. My studies of the Spiritual Program of AA have taken many of the doubts and questions about my life and life around me away.
A huge part of this is that I now absolutely know that I am powerless over alcohol. (Step 1) There is a Higher Power in my life. Step 2) I choose to call It God. God who is giving me loving guidance in all of my affairs. I(Step 3)
All I must do to maintain this is to watch and listen all around me and see the “miracles” that are regularly taking place. Then believing that they are mine also if I only ask for them. And then I believe in the results.
Many ask, some quite snidely, how I can be happy with some of the situations such as physical or emotional pain that come into my life and the lives of others around me.
My answer is that I have had pain, both physical and emotional. Suffered loss of loved ones. Thus, since this fabulous program introduced me to spirituality, I have not ever had to pick up a drink, drug, or other mind-altering substance. Hence, being able to do the next right thing, even if it was only to get out of the way.
I can feel and AM Happy, Joyous, and Free because my God didn’t make any junk. I don’t take ownership of the things that I can not change. God made me in his image. His image is perfect, so any changes in this are of my own doing.
What do you really want? Think about this. Have you had enough pain and suffering? If you have then the answer is simple — don’t drink, continue attending meetings, and do only the next right thing.
When faced with a decision, use the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Just say “God help me” and get out of His way. Easy? Not always. Simple? Couldn’t be simpler. If you do this, you will feel and know that you are a spiritual being.
The wonderful thought now is that, if He did this for me, He can and will for you, too. But only if He is sought. Thank you, God!
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