How To Discover Spirituality In Everyday Life

Am I the only one who believed that Spirituality was only to be found when experiencing a monk like existence? That I could only enjoy life if I were depriving myself of simple pleasures? That I must suffer to reap the benefits?

I was finally enlightened by my Spiritual Advisor, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, to the news that we are all born spiritual beings into a spiritual, vibrational universe, that is governed by spiritual law. This means that we are born spiritually perfect. What gets into the way of spirituality at this point is the Free Will that God gifts us all with. Free Will can be and many times is used for less than beautiful purposes. Free Will means just exactly what it says. We are free to do whatever we choose. Some use this God-given gift to expand their own self interests. Some choose to use it to be miserable. Many times, at the expense of others.

The newborn infant enters its human existence Happy, Joyous, and Free. Many new parents are surprised at how quickly and easily an infant smiles and even laughs. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if things could only stay this way? What happens then to so many? They hear or see or even feel the rancor that even its own parents may have. The sadness, arguing, fighting, abuse. Some may even be directed at the infant merely for being “in the way.”

It is natural to relate “normal” to what is going on around us. If one sees love, compassion, respect around, one thinks that this is normal. If one sees arguing, fighting, “I’m right and you’re wrong” drug and alcohol abuse going on around, then this is “normal.” If one does not even know about spirituality, then it is difficult to look into. I remember hearing several children asking some of us once if we had ever been in jail or prison. When the answer was “No,” the children were in disbelief. “Everyone goes to jail!” “Everyone goes to prison!” A child from a loving, helping family would not even think of such a question to ask.

Can this sort of thinking be turned around? Absolutely! Will the turnaround be simple! Positively! Will it be easy! Get serious! NO! Will it be worth the effort? More that you can maybe even hope for! That is a huge reward of spirituality.

How can this thinking be turned around? One way would be to start showing unconditional love to others. The kind of love that a pet has for its owner. You know, yell at or chastise your pup and it still wants to kiss you! And wag its tail. Unconditional love does not mean allowing to get away with bad behavior. On the contrary. Consistency is something looked for by the youngest of children. Proper direction as to what is accepted and what is not. Never back away from loving behavior. Loving someone does not mean that you must agree with them all the time. Only that you never stop loving them. You may not even like or accept all that they do. You do not have to.

See the divine beauty and wonder that surround you, wherever you are. It is right to be in awe of a beautiful sunset, or tree, or a rock formation, or a response from a very young child. The more awe that you see and show, the more awe you spread back to the universe through the Law of Vibration. Don’t forget “Fake it ’till you make it!” Look for the awesome! If something doesn’t jump up and grab you about where you are, fake it and it will materialize. Repeat this and it will soon appear without your even asking for it. That is a promise! God bless you!

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