no matter how you are now.
Everyone has a story! Everyone wants to be heard! I believe that we are only as sick as our secrets. After working on the 4th and 5th steps, many of my secrets disappeared. Then immediately my load was lightened.
I was on my way to being Happy, Joyous, and Free! In my experiences, I have discovered that most people, whether an alcoholic, addict, one with mental issues, or so-called normal people, all want to be heard.
Many don’t need or even want a response. They just want an ear for their life’s stories. When this is done, many people believe that you solved their problem.
They had no idea how to solve it before dumping it on you. Especially you not saying a judgemental word. Hence, the 4th and 5th Steps.
Isn’t this a remarkable program? One that does not say “Do this, do that!” It simply does say “This is how I worked my program. These are the results.”
When I work my program like a cafeteria, taking only what I want or need and passing on the rest, I become truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. You can, too. But only if you are entirely ready to step out of the old way of living.
Then immediately entering a newer, brighter, lighter, happier way of life.
You can become happier, more joyous, and free! You‘ll also discover that this isn’t just a program of band-aid fixes. It is an introduction to a whole new way of life.
It doesn’t matter whether you have minutes in the program or decades. You can truly become even more Happy, Joyous, and Free!
What‘s it cost? An arm and a leg. And a heart and soul. In other words, complete surrender to your Higher Power. How do you do this? Simply use the shortened version of the 3rd Step saying “God help me.”
Then getting out of His way and letting Him.
Put these into your program and watch the rewards. The Promises come true each and every day. Maybe for the very first time, you will see that you are becoming truly Happy, Joyous, and Free! THAT‘S A PROMISE!
See, this is much more than a program to help us stop drinking and drugging. It is one that will also start and continue us into a lifetime of total Happiness, Joy, and Freedom! God bless you! Thank you, God!
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