How “Thank You, God” Was Chosen for My Theme

and it was really quite simple!

Thank you,God
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Having had 46 years of continuous, wonderful sobriety and wishing that you could have the same peace and serenity that I have, I can’t work your program for you but I can tell you what I have done and invite you to taste it too.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you just might be at exactly the place that you should be right now.

I was one of the fortunate few to have lived through and survived active, somewhat functioning, alcoholism. I have had life experiences, both great and grizzly. And I only wish to let you know that, if I can become happy, joyous, and free, you can, too.

When you get as far down into your bottom as I was, there are only 2 ways to go. Up or out! I felt hopeless. I even failed when trying to commit suicide. Of course, when I did fail, I felt like even more of a loser. Hope was just another 4 letter word to me. I had none.

Today, I am and have been for decades now, truly happy, joyous, and free. This is a constant state of mind for me. Does this mean that I am happy about someone that I know who is suffering physically or emotionally? Forget about it! Not a chance!

I am Happy because today I am able to make decisions, serious decisions, and know that it probably will be the proper one for the occasion. This is because I am no longer under the influence of a mind-altering substance.

Joyous, because even if I made a decision that maybe should have been another one instead, this does not make me a rotten SOB. Just one that will choose something else next time.

And, being happy and joyous is only because I am Free from the influence of any mind-altering substances and have a Higher Power in my life to help with any and all decisions.

My writing that began on Facebook was done to try to reach as many people as I could who may be in similar circumstances and are looking for a way out. I combine writing with work in the St. Andrews Soup Kitchen on the East Side of Flint, MI. It helps me considerably!

When we are at the soup kitchen, which is open every Friday and Saturday we serve food, clothing, blankets, comfort, and love to the homeless, the streetwalkers, the felons, the ex-cons, the mentally ill, and the just plain down on their luck.

Father Jay Gantz has operated this soup kitchen for over 20 years now. People come in and receive physical and emotional nutrition in a place that is considered a “safe zone” in the heart of one of the most impoverished, crime-infested areas of the USA.

I don’t compare myself to any that are here but I sure can relate. I am talking regularly to the homeless and only trying to bring a little peace and direction to their existence.

Many are alcoholics, addicts, and people with so many problems that it is difficult to pin down which of the “isms” they may have at any given time.

To us, it does not even matter what they have. If we can just bring an hour or two of peace and safety into their 24/7/365 existences, we consider it successful.

When I brought up to Father Jay what I intended to do with my writing, I asked him what kind of a theme would be good for this, other than “If you want to get sober or clean and stay out of jail, just do these 12 things.”

He told me that, when he was in the seminary, he had a similar poser. What would be his mission statement? He was told to not use a lot of words. In fact, limit it to 3 words.

This made it easy to then discover a theme. I have been so blessed in my life starting with AA introducing me to spirituality. The rewards that I have been reaping are way too many to count.

Up popped “Thank you, God!” And it has been my theme since then. Everything that I have today, including breathing in followed by breathing out, I owe to my understanding of who and what My God is.

What did I do to become the receiver of these blessings? I went to AA with an open mind and kept it somewhat open. I believed what I was seeing and hearing because the others in AA had BEEN THERE. And they were sharing their experiences, strengths, and hopes with me.

So, do you want this kind of peace and serenity in your life? It is really very simple. Just say the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step, “God, help me,” and then get out of His way and let Him.

When He does help you, simply say “Thank you, God.” And go on and have a great life. You’d be amazed at how quickly you begin to feel a difference.

If it doesn’t work for you, let me know and we will work on it together. If and when it does work, just say again “Thank you, God,” and go on and practice, practice, practice. It works for me and can and will work for you IF YOU LET IT! Thank you, God!

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