How come, whenever I feel snarly, everyone around me seems to be snarly too?

The Spiritual Law of Attraction is active in our lives 24/7/365 just as the Law of Gravity is. Some ask that if it is a Spiritual Law, is it real? Simple answer, as real as a heart attack. The Law of Attraction paraphrased is What you put into life, you get out of life. The image I present to a mirror on the wall when I face it to shave is the exact image that I get back and see. It shows my face as it is with no judgments, embellishments, or deletions. If I have a wart on the end of my nose, it shows in the mirror image. Now let’s turn to the Mirror of Life. What I put into life is exactly what I get back. Did you ever notice that, when you saw someone and gave them a smile, invariably you got a smile in return or, at the very least, not a negative response. When you put on a frown, you receive very few smiles in return and sometimes even aggression. When you put love into your mirror of life, you get love in return, or at the very least toleration. When I first sobered up and started acting differently, I was amazed that the people I knew and believed to be a-holes actually seemed to become better people themselves, or also at least tolerable. It is amazing what is returned and from whom it comes on many occasions. I may present love to a person or pet and not get it back from them, at least not immediately. It just makes me feel warm and good to do it.  But, it does come around eventually, and many times from unexpected sources. Why? I am not sure mainly because my initials are JB and not JC but I have found it to be true. Why don’t you try this experiment – next time you go through a drive-through line at a coffee shop or restaurant, leave some extra cash telling the window person to buy the next person’s coffee or lunch and then drive away. The recipient will be first shocked and then probably feel great because who knows what kind of day they were having when they approached the window for their order. You will be repaid in full by the warm feeling that you will get because you were the anonymous supplier of someone else’s good fortune. It warms the heart of this formerly cold, non-caring soul so it can for you too. This will also give your belief in the Law of Attraction a kick start into reality. Try this soon and come back and tell us about how it made you feel. The Law of Vibration will have worked its wonders on you and your heart will swell. At this point, the only thing to do is to acknowledge the source of this warm vibration by saying “Thank You God” and moving on with your life. Do this a time or two, get the warm feelings, and you will then be seriously looking for other ways to get it. What other ways can we get it? Got a few hours to start listing the ways? The list will grow just as long as you wish it to. How do I know? Because I tried it and am Happy, Joyous, and Free because of it. You can too IF YOU ONLY JUST DO IT AND LET IT HAPPEN! Word!


  1. This point is impressed on me every day. I usually wake up happy and people around me are either happy or tolerable. On the occasions that I wake up snarly, it “seems like” others who are disagreeable find their ways to me. The moral of this story to me is, unless I want to have buttheads around me, put some positivity into my life IMMEDIATELY!

  2. I think it is part of the formula for the “to blessed to be stressed ” state of mind !!!

  3. Amazing, isn’t it, how the Mirror of Life works, huh? To make for better surroundings, all I had to do was start really getting sober and paying attention and all around me became better.

  4. The lady i saw for outpatient rehab when i first got sober was a recovered alcholic as well as beeing a clinical psychologist ! She used to say that 2 % of a change in me will creat 98% change in others !! I found this to be true !

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