after all, I‘m sober now and really mean it this time!
“Liar, liar. Pants on fire!” Ever hear that when you were a kid? When I was in the middle of my active alcoholism, my pants must have been blazing most of the time.
It seems like when I was in the madness, I always hurt the people who were the closest to me. It is best demonstrated by the old prayer “God, get me out of this situation and I will never do it again!” And then, doing it again.
Or, by my saying “I will never do (fill in the blank) again because I love you.” We said this to significant others, children, brothers, sisters, parents, and a whole list of people. The results would always turn out to be doing it or something even worse all over again.
Then we discovered Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and started to like the way things were changing. We were amazed to discover that not everyone now believed us. “But, I have not had a drink in X days, weeks, months so why don’t they believe me or even seem to want to?”
I think that one answer is conditioning. We had conditioned them over a period of years to not believe much or anything at all that we said or even did. Hadn’t they been through this before and probably many times?
I have seen some in the program who very quickly were accepted by their loved ones. I was not that fortunate. I have a daughter that would not speak with me for over 40 years. She would disappear for years at a time and I was not even sure if she were dead or alive.
She now lives 700 miles away in New Jersey and we have a very good relationship. As close or closer than it ever was. Over 40 years is not overnight but it was done in due time.
The bottom line is one that comes from The Serenity Prayer about the wisdom to know the difference between what I can and can not change. If it is me I can change and if it is anyone or anything else, I can not change it.
As soon as I not only knew in my head but felt in my heart that I could not change her thinking, I truly let her go. This was not easy but it was simple. When she was finally ready, I accepted it too and, although there are miles between us, we are finally “together.”
This is just another example of how the amazing program of AA works. If anyone asks me how AA works, my answer is “Just fine.” It can be for you too if you only let it. Don’t clutter your head up by trying to learn this.
Just leave it in your heart and you very quickly will reap the rewards. Now to answer the question posed in today’s topic, How can I make my family love me again? YOU CAN’T!
You can DO NOTHING to make your close ones love you again. That choice is theirs, not yours to make. Say the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step, ”God, help me,” and let Him. And then let them make that choice!
You can only change yourself. Show them that you are not the same person you were at that time. And give them the choice to decide what they are going to do. That is where “the wisdom to know the difference” comes in.
They have the right to choose whatever they wish, just like you do. So we let it go and let God. Simple as that. Easy? Of course not But that is giving them the right to choose how they feel without imposing your will on them as was done in the past. Thank you, God!
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