Have a Great Day Unless, of Course, You Have Made Other Plans 

but, if you didn’t drink or drug today, you now can choose.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Perfect time to look at your Law of Attraction. Just what is this law? Simply put, you get out of life just what you choose to put into it. Like a mirror. Smile in, smile out. Frown in, frown out. 

The menu of your life gives you limitless choices. Let’s see how this mirror of life works. We all know how a regular mirror works. Like one in your bathroom or a public restroom.

The Mirror of Life gives us the same thing. If we wake up in the morning and drop something and then stub our toe, our reaction to it is what will go into our Mirror of Life. “Drats. I can see that this is going to be a lousy day!”

Guess what! If that is what you put into your mirror, that is what you will get. You will have a great chance of having a lousy day. One of those days where “nothing seems to be going right, today!”

Now, let’s turn it around. Wake up in the morning and drop something. Then stub your toe. Then say to yourself “Man, sure wish that wouldn’t have happened,” and then let it go and just move on to the next right thing.

Since you chose acceptance of the situation to go into your mirror, what do you get?” For one thing, you get a much better chance of having a better day. And, isn’t that just what you want?

What is one of your main goals in life? What would you really like to see in the Menu of Your Life? Look at your menu and see Happy, Joyous, and Free. Since I am buying this time, choose all three. Take one of each. This, then, will be what you place into your Mirror of Life.

Your chances for a great day just improved from quite good to excellent. Laugh at someone’s maybe poor attempt at humor. Tell the next friend you meet that you love them. Hold the door open for someone.

Do things like this on a consistent basis and just watch your life improve drastically. It will feel so good that you will want it to continue. Just keep on doing the next right thing and your life will continue to get better.

I have been doing this for 46 of my 82 years and my life continues to get better. 

Does this mean that there will not be any snags or roadblocks in life? No! Not a chance! Well, what do you do when one of these snags pops up? No matter if it is a small blip or a gigantic roadblock, just say the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step, “God, help me,” and move on.

It works for me every time! I have suffered as much pain and agony as most anyone and yet this continues to work wonders for me. Loss of a loved one, cancer to both me and loved ones, loved ones disappearing from my life for varying lengths of time, and aches and pains of my aging earthly body.

And I am still very much happy, joyous, and free because I ask for help. Ask by simply saying “God, help me.” And He does. Sometimes I do wonder how something is good and right but with perfect 20/20 hindsight, I understand eventually.

It is ALL yours for the asking. If you didn’t drink or drug today, say “God, help me,” and then just do the next right thing. If you do the next thing that occurs to you after saying “God, help me,” it will be right. Thank you, God!

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