Step 1 says “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.” Webster defines Admit as “ to concede as true or valid.” Being new to the program, I didn’t have a clue as to what I was getting myself into and did not know if I believed that others… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Simplify Step 1
Category: Uncategorized
Spirituality and How To Really Have Effective Prayer
Once again, I remind all that this is a very simple program for very complicated folks. Many, such as I, came into the AA Program not really knowing what or if to believe! My prayers were mostly “foxhole prayers” of “Get me out of this and I will never do it again.” I didn’t even… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Really Have Effective Prayer
Spirituality and How To Happily Know That It Works
With no religious or spiritual background upon coming into the program of AA, I didn’t even think much about it. My prayers were limited to “God get me out of this and I will never do it again.” And he would get me out of it and I would chump him or he wouldn’t and… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Happily Know That It Works
Spirituality and How To Gets To Not Gots to
It seems like all of my life I have been hearing “You Gotta do this” “You have to do that in order to …” When I hear that I Gots to do something or I have to do something, I instinctively pull back and maybe even rebel. I have had more than one instance happening… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Gets To Not Gots to
Spirituality and How To Best Use Our Thoughts
I believe that our thoughts are the most powerful part of our beings. Thoughts can and do change our very existence! Think about it. We think ourselves into and out of our very health situations. Wake up to a sunny day with a message from someone just saying “Hi.” Recall the smile that probably came… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Use Our Thoughts
A thought for the day No. 1
After hearing of him all my life, I was only recently introduced to the writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by my spiritual advisor. I can see why some of the early “New Thought” leaders quoted him. Now, I look at some of his works and think “Where have you been all my life?” The answer,… Continue reading A thought for the day No. 1
Spirituality and How to Deal With Frustration
Spirituality is part of my entire system.Part of my physical body, my thoughts, my actions, my existence. I do not always heed its gentle urgings, though. I sometimes totally deny its existence. It is there, though, and everywhere just like the air we breathe. If a child ignores or fails to heed the urgings of… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Deal With Frustration
Spirituality and How To Win By Surrender
When new to the AA Program, I began feeling better about myself and others quite quickly. I clumsily worked the program to the best of my ability and was loving the new, to me, feelings of self worth and happiness. Then, something would happen and things would return to feeling bad, getting irritable, antsy, and… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Win By Surrender
Spirituality and How to Define and Use Affirmative Prayer
There are almost as many ways to pray as there are people praying. What is Affirmative Prayer, besides being one that actually works for us? We hear from Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of The Science of Mind, that Affirmative Prayer is when we pray, we should pray believing. What a concept! Affirmative Prayer is… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Define and Use Affirmative Prayer
Spirituality and How To Better Live Our Lives Peacefully
As difficult as it sometimes seems, it is simple to live our lives peacefully! ALL that you must do is try to work your program 24/7/365 and ONLY to the best of your ability. Notice, I did not say to work it perfectly! ONLY the best that you can with what you know right now.… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Better Live Our Lives Peacefully
Podcast Spirituality and Discussion with Pete “Fat Cat” Flanders
Today’s podcast is a discussion with Pete “Fat Cat” Flanders. Pete is a legendary radio personality from Flint, MI who was instrumental in bringing the musical sounds of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s to a very appreciative audience, locally on AM radio airwaves and later satellite feeds throughout Michigan. He toured with James Brown for… Continue reading Podcast Spirituality and Discussion with Pete “Fat Cat” Flanders
Spirituality and How to Combine The Metaphysical With Music
The Smithsonian Institution states in an essay “Music and spirituality are intricately related, with spirituality often being the inspiration for the creation of music, and music so often creating the desired atmosphere for a spiritual occasion. While spirituality is not necessarily experienced through religion, many people use religion as a conduit for their everyday spirituality.”… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Combine The Metaphysical With Music
Spirituality and How To Achieve Tolerance
Recently I was talking with a good friend and the subject of tolerance came up. I have discovered that by embracing fully the spiritual aspects of the AA program, I have become more tolerant in so many ways. The AA program is fundamentally spiritual. The 2nd paragraph of How it Works says “If you want… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Achieve Tolerance
Spirituality and How To Best Use The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law every bit as real as The Law of Gravity or a heart attack! A simple analogy is, whenever one faces into a mirror, for instance in a bathroom, he gets an exact return image. This image is a non judgmental, non altering exact reproduction of what faced… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Use The Law of Attraction
Spirituality and How To Recover From Too Much Self
“Why me?” “Woe is me!” “Poor, poor pitiful me!” “Why does X ALWAYS make me feel so lousy and sad?” Have you ever thought that there was a black cloud floating over you wherever you went? Raining misfortune all over you? Maybe the only time you can get some relief is when you self medicate… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Recover From Too Much Self
Spirituality and How To Make Your Life Even Better
If you have been in the program for a short time, you will have noticed that your life, although not looking great right now, is grudgingly seeming to be getting better. If you have been in the program for some time, days, months, years, decades, your life has been getting better quite regularly since working… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Make Your Life Even Better
Spirituality and How To Finally Absolutely Enjoy Life
How things have changed since I found the program of Alcoholics Anonymous! First, this is where I first heard of Spirituality. I rather quickly changed from a very self absorbed, very large, very angry, very violent, well armed, well trained man with no real friends and a family that feared him. Changed into a man… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Finally Absolutely Enjoy Life
Spirituality and How To Painlessly Work Inventory Step 4
Step 4 says “Made a searching and fearless inventory of ourselves.” Now, searching and fearless are words that a fragile newcomer shies away from. Also, an old timer who believes that he knows all about AA but has not done a complete 4th Step an d 5th Step, himself. It is not all that difficult.… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Painlessly Work Inventory Step 4
Spirituality and How to Know It works For You
With no background in religion or spirituality upon coming into the program of AA, I didn’t think much of or about it. My prayers were limited to “God get me out of this and I will never do it again” and He would get me out of it and I would chump Him or He… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Know It works For You
Spirituality and How To Gets To Rather Than Gots To
I have heard, probably most of my life, “You gotta do this.” “You gotta do that.” “You have to do this or that.” even in AA. “You have to do this or that or you will get drunk.” When I hear that I Gots to do something, I instinctively pull back and maybe rebel. I… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Gets To Rather Than Gots To
Spirituality and How To Win Around First Drink Triggers
It has been said at AA meetings that the disease, along with that first drink, is out in the parking lot doing pushups waiting for you. No matter what the weather is. Alcoholism is cunning, powerful, and patiently waiting for you to show a sign of weakness so that it can poke its ugly head… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Win Around First Drink Triggers
Spirituality and How To Know That I Am Better Than Before
When I had been in the Program for about 3 months, I was feeling much better about myself and all around me. Then things seemed to come crashing down on me and I began riding on an emotional roller coaster. I didn’t understand what was going on at all. I had calmed my emotions down… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Know That I Am Better Than Before
Spirituality and Discussion with Flint Mayor Neeley
This is a discussion with Mayor Sheldon Neeley, of the City of Flint, MI and Father Jay Gantz, of St Andrews Church about experiences, strengths, and hopes for Flint
Spirituality and How to Get Rid Of Those Blues
We are not responsible for our first thought. Only what we do about it. We are not responsible for the initial feeling of gloom and doom and blues that sometimes come over us. Only what we do about it, also. In the mentioned scenarios, we are responsible for our reaction to the first thought that… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Get Rid Of Those Blues
Spirituality and How To Begin Recovery
Just what is recovery anyway? What do we need to recover from? How do we begin? Recovery is described as Recuperation, rehabilitation, or healing. This means that recovery, although usually thought of with alcohol or drug addiction, also can be used with poverty, relationships, divorces, medical issues, deaths of loved ones. The list can be… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Begin Recovery
Announcing Our Next Podcast Guest, Mayor Neeley From Flint, MI
We are happy to announce that our next podcast guest will be the Mayor of the City of Flint, MI, Sheldon Neeley. Mayor Neeley stepped into this position with a city that has been at or near the top of the list of most impoverished, violent cities in the US for years. Mayor Neeley is… Continue reading Announcing Our Next Podcast Guest, Mayor Neeley From Flint, MI
Spirituality and How to Understand The Law of Divine Oneness
We have talked before about the Weness or oneness of the AA program. The AA program is not a solo project. We are all in this together. The Big Book and the 12 Steps all talk of WE not I. This assures us that we are not alone. When in the madness, you were alone.… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Understand The Law of Divine Oneness
Spirituality and How To Best Utilize It To Affect World Peace
“How does my Spirituality work after all of my detailed preparations for solving the ideal of World Peace, curing Covid19, and someone else’s sobriety? After all, I regularly pay close attention to the often conflicting news accounts and social media news. After all, the cable news channels have all interviewed experts including political insiders, sports… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Utilize It To Affect World Peace
Spirituality and How To Best Utilize Affirmative Prayer
First, what is Affirmative Prayer? We hear from Dr. Ernest Holmes. He was the founder of The Science of Mind. He asserts that Affirmative Prayer is when we pray, we should pray believing. What a wonderful, simple concept! Affirmative Prayer is based on the principle of oneness. There is no separation between you and Spirit,… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Utilize Affirmative Prayer
Announcing our next podcast guest, Mayor Neeley.
We are happy to announce that our next podcast guest will be the Mayor of the City of Flint, MI, Sheldon Neeley. Mayor Neeley stepped into this position with a city that has been at or near the top of the list of most impoverished, violent cities in the US for years. Mayor Neeley is… Continue reading Announcing our next podcast guest, Mayor Neeley.