Spirituality is part of my entire system. My physical body, my thoughts, my actions, my existence. I do not always heed its gentle urgings and frustrations. I sometimes totally deny its existence. But it is there and everywhere, just like the air we breathe. If a child ignores or fails to heed the urgings of… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Amazingly Deal With Your Frustration
Category: Uncategorized
My Message, Now Is Thank You God. What’s yours?
Many times, we said “God, help me.” But, how many times have we then said “Thank you, God?” Have you ever wondered how God speaks to us? If I “heard voices” in my head, I would seriously doubt that they were coming from God. This was one of my questions when I began studying spirituality… Continue reading My Message, Now Is Thank You God. What’s yours?
Spirituality and How To Know That Love Works For Me
With no religious or spiritual background when coming into the program of AA, I didn’t think much of or about it. My prayers were limited to “God get me out of this and I will never do it again.” Then he would get me out of it and I would dump him. Or he wouldn’t… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Know That Love Works For Me
Spirituality and Living in The NOW
A paraphrase from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle is: The more that you devote to the past or future robs you of the only real time that there is and that is right now. My spiritual advisor, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, reminds me that this helps me to believe that the only time one can express… Continue reading Spirituality and Living in The NOW
Spirituality and How To Use Prayer for Your Advantage
“God get me out of this and I will never do it again!” “God, I prayed to you every Sunday, Christmas, and Easter so why do bad things keep happening to me?” “I joined a church and became an usher and everything and problems still haunt me!” I prayed and begged for forgiveness. Just what… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Use Prayer for Your Advantage
Spirituality And How To Deal With Covid Right NOW
One topic has seemingly brought all parts of the world into thinking and in many cases obsessing about the same thing at the same time. This is The Covid virus. This has brought many into a state of panic. Tried buying a package of toilet paper early in the pandemic? Fear of the unknown has… Continue reading Spirituality And How To Deal With Covid Right NOW
Spirituality and Let’s Be Happy, Joyous, and Free
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so, just know that there is a rescue mission in sight. When I get too H.A.L.T., Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, I am sick and tired of almost everything. My mood dips, my anger rises, and my depression comes on big time. The rescue… Continue reading Spirituality and Let’s Be Happy, Joyous, and Free
Spirituality and How To Utilize This Pipeline To God
I have worked my AA Program to the best of my ability for a while. I have been guilty enough of believing that I have had a direct pipeline to God. Oh, I was saying the right things. Even doing most of the right things. Everything was going so well that I may have believed… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Utilize This Pipeline To God
Spirituality and How To Be The Light In Darkness
Elisabeth Kubler Ross said “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” The Serenity Prayer sums up just what we can change and what we can not change. If it is… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Be The Light In Darkness
Spirituality and The Amazing Things Oreo Teaches Us
Oreo is an 8-year-old retired racing Greyhound. We adopted her two years ago from https://gemgreyhounds.org/. GEM takes Greyhounds from racing tracks when the dog is through racing and places them in homes. (I haven’t had the heart to tell her that she was adopted, though. She believes that she is our baby!) She was a very… Continue reading Spirituality and The Amazing Things Oreo Teaches Us
Spirituality and How To Really Eject Anger
What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger! Sometimes, it may be triggered by the simple act of being asked something. And not immediately able to have the answer. Anger may flash and disappear quickly. But, it… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Really Eject Anger
Spirituality and Obtaining Belief Now. This Is A Breakthrough!
The Bible Book of St. Matthew 21: v22 says “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? Belief is the forerunner of “Fake it till you make it”, one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received from my original AA sponsors. The mind… Continue reading Spirituality and Obtaining Belief Now. This Is A Breakthrough!
Spirituality and How To Perform Our Primary Purpose
The ending of the AA Preamble states “Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.” You may think that this is either too much to accomplish so early in your sobriety or you may think that you don’t have a clue as to how you may accomplish all of… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Perform Our Primary Purpose
Spirituality and How To Use The Law of Inspired Action
We have discussed the spiritual Law of Attraction before. We were shown that like thoughts attract like thoughts. If you emit positive vibes, you will get positivity in return. If you emit negative vibes, you get negativity in return. This implies that you emit the action. The spiritual Law of Inspired Action states that the… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Use The Law of Inspired Action
Spirituality and Why Do Some People Need To Be Right?
Long before I learned about the AA program, I had all of the answers and they were always right. Not only that but I ALWAYS had to be right, even if very wrong. Soon after starting to work the AA program, I discovered that this attitude was making me a very unhappy person whenever I… Continue reading Spirituality and Why Do Some People Need To Be Right?
Spirituality and Enough With Being The Victim
People who feel like many of us did before entering the amazing program of AA have a common feeling – I am a victim! Everything bad was caused by someone or something else outside of us. “Not my fault, man!” How many times have you heard this in so many words? Or said them? “Yes,… Continue reading Spirituality and Enough With Being The Victim
Spirituality and How To Benefit From Law Of Correspondence
The Law of Correspondence states that patterns repeat throughout the universe. This Spiritual Law is best applied when thinking about your attitude toward a goal that you may have. A goal of sobriety, for instance. If you have a positive emotional and mental attitude toward the goal, it will have a better chance of fullfillment… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Benefit From Law Of Correspondence
Spirituality and How To Work Steps 4&5 With No Fear
Are you ready to do your inventory with no fear? It’s about time that we discussed Steps 4 and 5. So many people in the program, both newer and older, avoid passing the 3rd Step. Many have been in the program for X number of weeks, months, and even years in some instances. Yet, they… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Work Steps 4&5 With No Fear
Spirituality and How To Deal With This New Thinking
Since entering and working my program in AA I have rejoiced. Cried. Loved. Fought. Been proper. Been politically incorrect, Laughed with (and not at). Held hands both physically and emotionally. Been loved. Repulsed. Seen people close to me transition. Had cancer. Had close ones with cancer. Called great names. Called a liar. Left a marriage… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Deal With This New Thinking
Spirituality and How To Simply Attain Serenity Right Now
Serenity is a word that, although heard frequently, many times is difficult or impossible to obtain. If this is you, here is how you can go from chaos of the mind to being too blessed to be stressed. Will it be easy? Probably not. But, is it simple? Absolutely! Begin by realizing that, if you… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Simply Attain Serenity Right Now
Spirituality and How To Become An Old Drunk
Recently, I celebrated another birthday. It brought to mind the age old question of how does one become an old drunk? For an alcoholic there is only one answer. It is don’t drink and don’t die! To do this, it follows that the way to do this is to follow the SUGGESTIONS that are in… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Become An Old Drunk
Spirituality and How To Successfully Handle Your Newfound Feelings
When I was still in the madness, I was always very guarded with my true feelings. I bottled up a lot of frustrations, anger, fear, that came out in other self destructive ways. When I took the advice of my early AA sponsors and started faking it until I made it, I discovered that thoughts… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Successfully Handle Your Newfound Feelings
It’s a great day to be alive!
Every morning includes a walk with our retired racer Greyhound, Oreo. This morning was just like they all have been lately since the long, cold, dreary winter is gone. We are accompanied every day, now, by a beautiful avian chorus from start to finish. Just Oreo, me, and the music coming from the woods and… Continue reading It’s a great day to be alive!
Spirituality and How To Excel With Steps 1-3
I am not setting the world on fire with my stellar intellectual skills and this is shown in the fact that I received my BS from the streets long before I received my BS from college. As alcoholics, to excel in anything, we should try starting a program of recovery. I need things to be simple… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Excel With Steps 1-3
Spirituality and How To Utilize The Amazing I AM!
The most important words that one could ever speak are the words following “I am!” Think about it for a moment. Say to yourself “I am!” What are your first thoughts after saying this? When I came into AA, I thought of myself as I Am miserable. I didn’t like me. And if I didn’t… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Utilize The Amazing I AM!
Spirituality and How To Thrive in The Present Moment
Many of us have yesterdays that are full of fears, grief, regrets, and remorse. Many others also have tomorrows that have us terrified or apprehensive. “Life is just so complicated.” If you had my life, you would be upset too!” To live and thrive takes some work! “Just one drink to settle my nerves then… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Thrive in The Present Moment
Spirituality and How To Understand The Law Of Divine Oneness
We have talked before about the We-ness or Oneness of the AA program. The AA program is not a solo project. We are not in this alone! We are all in this together! The Big Book and the 12 Steps all talk of WE not I. I could not get sober by myself. I was… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Understand The Law Of Divine Oneness
Spirituality and How To Properly Utilize Prayer And Meditation
When I first came into recovery from alcoholism, I was quite lost when it came to prayer and/or meditation. Maybe even a little intimidated by hearing about prayer. My prayers had usually been “God, get me out of this…..(fill in the blanks)… and I will never do it again.” He would get me out of… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Properly Utilize Prayer And Meditation
Spirituality and How to Simply Achieve A Successful Program
Starting a successful Program in AA is not brain surgery! Although not easy, it is actually very simple. When beginning or returning to working a Program, don’t overthink it. This is a very simple program to achieve for very complicated folks. Many of us analyze the beejeebers out of it and end up getting drunk… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Simply Achieve A Successful Program
Spirituality and How To Become Happy, Joyous, and Free
Everyone has a story! Everyone wants to be heard! I believe that we are only as sick as our secrets. After working the 4th and 5th steps, many of my secrets disappeared. Then immediately my load was lightened. I was on my way to being Happy, Joyous, and Free! In my experiences, I have discovered… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Become Happy, Joyous, and Free