Welcome to the Jim Boylan Cafeteria Of Life. I can not and will not tell you how to live your life. I can only describe how I have come from a life of pain and misery into a life being Happy, Joyous, and Free. And in this cafeteria, you are free to choose what you wish… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Plan As Life Keeps Going On?
Category: Uncategorized
Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired?
I followed these 3 simple guidelines and began to get well, not sick My name is Jim and I am an alcoholic! I admit that I am powerless over alcohol and my life became unmanageable. (This is AA Step 1) I came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.… Continue reading Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired?
Spirituality and How To Begin The Road To Recovery With AA’s Step 1
This step is not just for newcomers but also for any who are having a problem working their program of recovery When either beginning to work the AA recovery program or reviewing our program, life can sometimes seem to be a real struggle. I find it best to start with the 1st Step and go… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Begin The Road To Recovery With AA’s Step 1
Spirituality and How To Catch Up With A Racing Mind
Did you ever have a day when your mind just wouldn’t stop racing When it is racing, are these thoughts mostly sad? Or uncomfortable? Or remorseful? Angry? Or resentful? How about all of the above? If you are sick and tired of these thoughts ruining varying amounts of your day, you have come to the right… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Catch Up With A Racing Mind
Spirituality and How To Achieve During A Long, Tough Day Without Drinking
CBA. Conceive, Believe, Achieve In this simple guide, I will show you how to deal with life that just keeps on coming at you, even after you have stopped drinking. When I was new to the AA Program, I often wondered why I seemed to have more emotions than I ever had before when I… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Achieve During A Long, Tough Day Without Drinking
Spirituality and How To Discover The Real Easier, Softer Way
There is one and it can be yours When I was in the abusive stage of my alcoholism, I was fearful, confused, and always looking for the easier, softer way. This is just as it says in How it Works in Chapter 5 of the Big Book. “If only I could drink like others and still… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Discover The Real Easier, Softer Way
Spirituality and How To Begin Working The Amends Steps To Erase I’m Sorry
Making amends is much more than saying “I’m Sorry” Step 8 says: Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. Oh, my gosh! My list is going to be huge! How am I going to ever make all of this right?” Don’t be the slightest… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Begin Working The Amends Steps To Erase I’m Sorry
Spirituality and How To Get The Inventory Steps Out Of The Way Peacefully
The inventory phase many times is met with fear We are only as sick as our secrets. When we keep something bottled up inside our heads, we are as sick or sicker than the memory. It rolls around the head bumping into and then crushing all other thoughts that may be considered. To discover just… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Get The Inventory Steps Out Of The Way Peacefully
Spirituality and How To Successfully Deal With Relapse
Relapse is more than just taking that first drink Relapse, to a member of AA, usually is thought of as beginning to pick up that drink or drug again. I believe that it is more, much more. Although drinking again is a sure sign of relapse, it starts much before the actual act of drinking.… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Successfully Deal With Relapse
Spirituality and How To Best Recognize The Law Of Oneness
Everything in this world is connected in Oneness to everything else The 1st Spiritual Law is the Law of Oneness. Spiritual laws are as real as physical laws, such as gravity. Everything in the universe is connected to everything else. This means that everything we do, say, or even think has an effect somewhere in… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Recognize The Law Of Oneness
Spirituality And How To Discover What Perfect God Wants From You
As a Divine Being, God created you perfectly. Do you think that He wants you to be any less now? Edwene Gaines, a spiritual author, and speaker is quoted as saying “Wonderful, magical things can happen if you are willing to commit to putting yourself out there, stepping outside your comfort zones, playing at the… Continue reading Spirituality And How To Discover What Perfect God Wants From You
Spirituality and How To Profit From CBA
1st Conceive, 2nd Believe, 3rd Achieve First, let’s see what it means to profit and how to profit in ways that make our lives better. The Cambridge Dictionary defines profit in a couple of ways. First, of course, is the money that is made after expenses. Then it also defines profit as: “the good result… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Profit From CBA
Spirituality and How To Decide Between Acceptance And Tolerance
To decide means you have choices. Choose wisely! Recently before one of our Zoom AA meetings, I heard a short discussion on tolerance and acceptance which got me thinking. Then, two days later, the daily reading in one of my Spiritual readings, the Guide for Spiritual Living, discussed the same thing. The mention of this… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Decide Between Acceptance And Tolerance
Spirituality And How To Achieve Sobriety And Love It
We are not a sad group. We achieve happiness! I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt when I came into the AA Program. But, I was willing to go to ANY lengths to achieve sobriety. Finally, after really working it to the best of my ability in ALL of my affairs, I discovered that… Continue reading Spirituality And How To Achieve Sobriety And Love It
Spirituality and How To Be Happy and Use It On A Day To Day Basis
“God get me out of this and I will never do it again! I just want to be happy!” “God, I prayed to you every Sunday, Christmas, and Easter so why do bad things keep happening to me?” “God, I joined a church and became an usher and everything and problems still haunt me!” “Why… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Be Happy and Use It On A Day To Day Basis
Spirituality and How To Work Your Program To be Happy, Joyous, and Free
To work your program, simply just do the next right thing I can not tell you or anyone how to work your program. All that I can do is tell you how I work mine. Then it is up to you to take what you want from that. I am truly Happy, Joyous, and Free!… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Work Your Program To be Happy, Joyous, and Free
Spirituality and The Amazing Uses For Recognition Or I AM
Look at me. I AM somebody Everyone has a story and everyone wants to be heard. In my experiences, I have discovered that most people, whether an alcoholic, addict, one with mental issues, or a so-called normal person needs to be heard. Many don’t need or even want a response. Simply an ear for their… Continue reading Spirituality and The Amazing Uses For Recognition Or I AM
Spirituality and How To Achieve Success By Feeling Gratitude
The more gratitude you have the more abundance and success you get Recently, I had a reminder of all that I have to be grateful for. I was reminded that, since I have joined AA and began working the Program to the best of my ability, I now have choices and success. Looking back, I… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Achieve Success By Feeling Gratitude
Spirituality, Getting Shot, and How To Explain My Return To Life After Death
Getting shot and watching the incident as if I were watching from above About 50 or so years ago I had a traumatic, life-changing experience. I was a Detroit Police Officer assigned to the Narcotic Section. Before this particular night, I had been on more drug raids than I could count. Armored vests were not… Continue reading Spirituality, Getting Shot, and How To Explain My Return To Life After Death
Spirituality and How To Make The Amends Steps Soaring Beyond Saying “I’m Sorry!”
Just saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t work anymore Step 8 says “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.” “Oh, my gosh! My list is going to be huge! How am I going to ever make all of this right?” “I am so sorry!” Don’t be the… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Make The Amends Steps Soaring Beyond Saying “I’m Sorry!”
Spirituality and How To Achieve Belief and Faith
I can’t make you believe anything. But, you yourself can have faith and belief! The Bible Book of St. Matthew 21: v22 states “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? This led to the more modern view of “Fake it till you make it.” One… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Achieve Belief and Faith
Spirituality and How To Make Fear Disappear And Find Freedom
In the Big Book of AA are listed character defects and after each one, in parentheses, is not freedom but the word Fear. Fear is the common denominator of all of our shortcomings. Anxiety — fear of getting something or something happening; Depression — fear of what MAY happen; Anger — not knowing what to do about a situation; Frustration — unable to… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Make Fear Disappear And Find Freedom
Spirituality and How To Finally Really Enjoy Life
Things really have changed since I found the program of Alcoholics Anonymous! I finally, truly enjoy life! All that I knew about was religion and I avoided it like the plague. Early in my AA experience, my sponsors introduced me to the study of spirituality and the teachings of Emmet Fox. I had been a… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Finally Really Enjoy Life
Spirituality And The AA Program. Let’s See How They Are Married.
Spirituality is the foundation of the AA Program When I came into AA, I was spiritually, morally, and emotionally bankrupt. I had had no prior religious or spirituality training or real experience. My only prayers were foxhole prayers. Then, He would get me out of a situation and I would chump Him. Or He would… Continue reading Spirituality And The AA Program. Let’s See How They Are Married.
Spirituality and I Guess Now Is Confession Time
Many, if not most of the new people coming into the AA Program are sick, tired, angry, resentful, afraid, unbelieving in anything good, in debt, and violent, confused people. I feel a confession coming on! Is that you? That was me when I went to my 1st AA meeting. I had no hope that anything… Continue reading Spirituality and I Guess Now Is Confession Time
Spirituality and How To Simply Deal With Anger
Just don’t confuse Simply with Easily, especially when dealing with anger. What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger! Either a brief flash or gut-wrenching rage. Sometimes, it may be started by just the simple act of… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Simply Deal With Anger
Divine Oneness and How To Use Your Spirituality To Understand
We are all connected through creation. This is Divine Oneness! The Law of Divine Oneness means that every atom is connected through the Law of Vibration. Drop a stone into a calm lake and watch the ripples expand from the center, affecting everything that they touch. We have talked about the We-ness or Divine Oneness… Continue reading Divine Oneness and How To Use Your Spirituality To Understand
Spirituality and How To Know If It’s God’s Will or Not
When I first came into AA and heard about God’s will and my will, I didn’t have a clue as to what it really meant. I had been taught and thought that I knew all about willpower being the way to get anything done. Probably had heard about God’s will for me but it all… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Know If It’s God’s Will or Not
Life using Spirituality and How To Explain To What I Owe 45+ Years of Sobriety
Today, I have a life that a rich man couldn’t buy and a thief couldn’t steal! The beauty of it all is that, if you want this life too, IT IS YOURS! I am truly too blessed to be stressed! Up until my last drink on September 20, 1976, I had been a dead man… Continue reading Life using Spirituality and How To Explain To What I Owe 45+ Years of Sobriety
Spirituality and I Can’t. He Can. Think I’ll Let Him
This looks a lot like the first 3 Steps of a recovery program. Guess what. He can and It is! Step 1 states: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol. If I’m powerless over something, it is true that I can’t! Step 2 states: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore… Continue reading Spirituality and I Can’t. He Can. Think I’ll Let Him