Spirituality and How to Recognize Faith and Use It Wisely

and become happy, joyous, and free! One of Webster’s definitions for faith is a firm belief in something for which there is no proof, for instance, “clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return.” In my mind of minds, I know that there has to be a Power “out there somewhere” that is… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Recognize Faith and Use It Wisely

Let’s Not Make Thanksgiving the Only Day That We’re Grateful

because there are 364 more days in the year that need your gratitude, too! Now, there’s a happy turkey. Giving thanks for eating his Thanksgiving pie after not being eaten himself during the main course. Not everyone is this happy on any given day of the year, let alone Thanksgiving. “Yeah, sure. Let’s get through… Continue reading Let’s Not Make Thanksgiving the Only Day That We’re Grateful

Spirituality and How To Guarantee Powerlessness

by becoming a constant griper. Have you ever met someone who is constantly complaining? The weather’s too hot. The weather’s too cold. My back hurts and I have a toothache. The wrong party won the election. This rose stinks. Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones wrote in his essay Encouraging Words “The Law of Attraction guarantees that complainers… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Guarantee Powerlessness

Call to Write For SpiritualityandRecovery, a New Publication on Medium

for writers of spirituality and recovery, especially combining the two! This is an invitation to writers who write about spirituality or recovery to submit articles to SpiritualityandRecovery. There is a need for information about spirituality and recovery and especially recovery using spirituality. Spirituality is the foundation of many if not most recovery groups. What we can… Continue reading Call to Write For SpiritualityandRecovery, a New Publication on Medium

Spirituality and How To Begin Recovery From Active Alcoholism

and begin feeling better about yourself! Why are you even here today? Some are relatively new to recovery and, for others, this is not our first rodeo. I don’t know about you, but I am here because I discovered that I am powerless over alcohol and that my life had become unmanageable. I admitted it… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Begin Recovery From Active Alcoholism

Trying To Pray is Praying

because every thought is a prayer! When AA introduced me to spirituality, I had no religious background at all. I didn’t even know how to pray, other than the usual foxhole prayers. Such as “God, get me out of this and I will never do it again.” Of course, I did whatever I wasn’t going… Continue reading Trying To Pray is Praying

Spirituality and Getting, Then Keeping, Happiness, Joy, and Freedom

Anyone can become happy but the trick is staying that way! When I first was blessed enough to be entered into the program of AA, I hardly knew what hope was, let alone how to feel it. Probably had a “guess I’ll give it a try because I’ve tried everything else” attitude and to no… Continue reading Spirituality and Getting, Then Keeping, Happiness, Joy, and Freedom