Spirituality and Resentments and Forgiving

“Resentment is the “number one’’ offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.” (p.64, of The Big Book) So, what… Continue reading Spirituality and Resentments and Forgiving

Spirituality and Affirmations – How can they help me to be even more Happy, Joyous, and Free?

Since I had the blessing to have been shot and thus experienced a small taste of the Spiritual Universe, I am very willingly using these two affirmations daily, sometimes more than once a day, and it is amazing how stress-free my life is becoming. Do I still have stress? Of course, I do. Living in… Continue reading Spirituality and Affirmations – How can they help me to be even more Happy, Joyous, and Free?

Becoming Happy, Joyous, and Free Using Spirituality and not Alcohol ALL THE TIME

What do you really want from this Program? What do you really desire in your heart of hearts to get here? Do you really crave to say “I’m right and you are wrong in your thinking” or do want to say with meaning “I am so blessed in my life” and no more? When my… Continue reading Becoming Happy, Joyous, and Free Using Spirituality and not Alcohol ALL THE TIME

Spirituality and can I ever be truly happy, joyous, and free using it?

Can I ever be truly happy? This is a question that I hear from people both new to the program and some who have been around for decades. Newcomers have been struggling for various amounts of time to just feel somewhat good, not even truly happy. Feeling that all is lost and that I will… Continue reading Spirituality and can I ever be truly happy, joyous, and free using it?

Spirituality and what’s it got to do with Acceptance and Tolerance

Recently before one of our meetings here, I heard a short discussion on tolerance and acceptance which got me thinking. Then, two days ago the daily reading in one of my Spiritual readings, the Guide for Spiritual Living, discussed the same thing. The mention of this topic twice in a day or so reminds me… Continue reading Spirituality and what’s it got to do with Acceptance and Tolerance

Spirituality And How Is Life Treating You. More Importantly, How Are You Treating Life?

One of the first slogans that I heard when coming into the AA Program was “One day at a time.” This was sometimes broken down into one hour, or one minute, at a time, or even less. I  have heard ever since to live in the moment because the past is gone and the future… Continue reading Spirituality And How Is Life Treating You. More Importantly, How Are You Treating Life?

Spirituality and What does it have to do with working the AA Program?

Simple answer, EVERYTHING! A more explanatory answer is the ONLY step of this 12 Step Program that mentions alcohol is the 1st Step. The other 11 all have to do with dealing with our thinking. Since we were all – Catholics, Protestants, Islamists, Buddhists, non-believers – created by the same Higher Power (called by different… Continue reading Spirituality and What does it have to do with working the AA Program?

Spirituality and Gratitude, How I became Too Blessed To Be Stressed

Being grateful brings me immediate release from any stresses that may be starting in my life. I say starting because that is as far as they get anymore. Gratitude has made me literally too blessed to be stressed. Once in a while, something will surprise me and I momentarily start to fret but very quickly,… Continue reading Spirituality and Gratitude, How I became Too Blessed To Be Stressed

Spirituality and I don’t like lemons so what can I do with this load of lemons that I got from Life?

When something happens that feels uncomfortable to many, they call it getting a lemon. I imagine that this is because lemons, although looking beautiful with their dimpled yellow skin, are sour and tart. If one buys lemons or picks them, each one will be sour and tart. Why would anyone ever buy something that tasted… Continue reading Spirituality and I don’t like lemons so what can I do with this load of lemons that I got from Life?

Without alcohol How can I ever have fun again if I temper everything with Spirituality? The answer leaves me Blessed Not Stressed!

If you were anything like me, with everything that I did when in the madness, there was alcohol involved somehow. I was either drinking, coming off a drunk, planning my next drink, or wishing that I could never drink again, even telling God “Get me out of this and I will never do it again.”… Continue reading Without alcohol How can I ever have fun again if I temper everything with Spirituality? The answer leaves me Blessed Not Stressed!

Spirituality and How do I repay the good that has been my blessing to receive since finally discovering Spirituality?

When I first came into this amazing Program of AA, I had zero hope and knew of no way out of my problems. Not only that, but I also did not even know what was wrong. I only knew that I didn’t like the me that I had become and this led quickly to hating… Continue reading Spirituality and How do I repay the good that has been my blessing to receive since finally discovering Spirituality?