“I see all of these happy people at AA recovery meetings who not long ago were just as miserable as I am and I want to feel that way too.” The 2nd paragraph of How it Works says “If you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it… Continue reading Spirituality and How to become truly Happy
Category: Uncategorized
Spirituality and What does finally having sobriety mean to me and how to get it?
I have a very short but accurate answer to the first part of this question – EVERYTHING! I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt when I came into the AA Program. But by being willing to go to ANY lengths to get the program and finally really working it to the best of my… Continue reading Spirituality and What does finally having sobriety mean to me and how to get it?
Spirituality and The need for recognition
Everyone has a story and everyone has a need for recognition and wants only to be heard. I believe that we are only as sick as our secrets and, after working the 4th and 5th steps, many of my secrets disappeared and immediately my load was lightened. In my experiences, I have discovered that most… Continue reading Spirituality and The need for recognition
Spirituality and Our Primary Purpose… as people of prayer and recovering alcoholics
The AA Preamble that we hear before every meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous along with The Serenity Prayer ends with “Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.” This does not say that this is A purpose but is OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE. I have seen too many people coming into… Continue reading Spirituality and Our Primary Purpose… as people of prayer and recovering alcoholics
Test joining Blog with Facebook
This is a test joining the Spiritualityandrecovery.com blog with the Facebook page. Please go to Spirituality and Recovery above this and it will take you to the pages. Thanks, Jim Boylan
Spirituality and How to find The easier, softer way
When I was in the abusing stage of my alcoholism, I was fearful, confused and always looking for the easier, softer way, as it says in How it Works in Chapter 5 of the Big Book. If only I could drink like others and still enjoy my life instead of fearing what was coming next.… Continue reading Spirituality and How to find The easier, softer way
Spirituality and How to Benefit from CBA and the Law of Attraction
In the Bible, it is written that you will declare a thing and it will be established for you. What you give you will receive. We now also know that whatever you put into your mirror of life you also will get in return. This is the Law of Attraction. The mirror that you shave… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Benefit from CBA and the Law of Attraction
Come Zoom with us and learn how to become Happy, Joyous, and Free
We have a terrific Zoom AA meeting every Monday through Friday starting at 3:00PM EST. This meeting is open to anyone who does not wish to drink or drug anymore. It is also for anyone who simply wishes to learn more about what a friend or relative may be going through. This meeting has been… Continue reading Come Zoom with us and learn how to become Happy, Joyous, and Free
Spirituality and Living in the Now
How much can we do to change what happened last week? Absolutely nothing! Just how much can we do about whatever tomorrow may or may not bring? Positively nothing! How much can we do about what is happening to or around us right now? Anything that we choose! We have heard before that we should… Continue reading Spirituality and Living in the Now
Spirituality and Step 1 as it is lived and died on the Notorious, ravaged Flint East Side
Recently, I experienced a particularly wild weekend for me. It brought Step 1 “up close and personal” like it usually does. Step 1 of the amazing AA Program states: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable. It was really not that different a weekend from others but, for some… Continue reading Spirituality and Step 1 as it is lived and died on the Notorious, ravaged Flint East Side
Spirituality and How to solve the problems that seemingly arise with even more trouble than I had before AA?
I wondered when I was relatively new to the program of AA why I was seeming to have as many problems as I had before and at times even more. My sponsors reminded me that, when drinking and thinking alcoholically, my emotional age froze. If I was 13 when first drinking alcoholically, even though I… Continue reading Spirituality and How to solve the problems that seemingly arise with even more trouble than I had before AA?
Spirituality and How to be able to laugh and have fun without drinking
Hope was not part of my vocabulary when I came into this amazing program of AA. My intro was when my 1st wife was being 12th Stepped, or introduced to the program, at our kitchen table in NW Detroit. I had downed a considerable amount of beer and wine (because I was trying to cut… Continue reading Spirituality and How to be able to laugh and have fun without drinking
Spirituality and How To Obtain Real Courage
Courage means different things to different people. Depending on what kind of environment one was raised in, this can mean anything. Anything here means being able to get out of bed in the morning. Doing chores when friends want us to do something else. Guts to face whatever perils may or may not greet us… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Obtain Real Courage
Spirituality and How to know when I can stop attending AA meetings?
This is a question that many have whether they are Alcoholics or not and, as new people in the program, I am sure we all had initially. Just as long as I do not drink anymore, why should I continue to attend AA meetings? I do not believe that I am unique when I say… Continue reading Spirituality and How to know when I can stop attending AA meetings?
Spirituality and How to find what you really want from AA?
Reverend Stephanie Sorensen said recently: “Someone said the other day: ‘I love waking up to the smell of the Universe conspiring on my behalf.’ Life is good when we let it be. We’re here to enjoy it and bring our joy to it. We’re not here to be confused and miserable, or to do what… Continue reading Spirituality and How to find what you really want from AA?
Spirituality and How to Become An Old Drunk
I am days away from another birthday. This brings to mind the age old question of how does one become an old drunk? For an alcoholic there is only one way to do it successfully – don’t drink and don’t die! It follows that the way to do this is to follow the SUGGESTIONS that… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Become An Old Drunk
Spirituality and How To Pray and Meditate
Step 11 says: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. How simple can this get, huh? Praying ONLY for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Pray and Meditate
Spirituality and How To Easily Use Step 3
Step 3 states “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” As those of you who have attended this meeting for a while know, the 3rd Step is a very basic, important part of my program of practicing these principles in all my… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Easily Use Step 3
Spirituality and How to easily use it every day
What does the saying “Living Happy, Joyous, and Free” mean to us? If the first things thought of when hearing it is “Yeah, sure,” and “If you had my problems, you would be very down, too,” then I would strongly suggest looking deeply into how our program is being worked. “Half measures availed us nothing”… Continue reading Spirituality and How to easily use it every day
Spirituality and how to deal with one of “those” days
Spirituality and Surrender Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, at the Flint Life Enrichment Center said on July 25, 2021: “On the other hand, did you ever have a day when it wasn’t so easy to see that everything is perfect in your world? Maybe it was a day that started out in a hurry. When you woke… Continue reading Spirituality and how to deal with one of “those” days
Spirituality and How to respond right after saying I AM
We touched on the I Am again recently and it brings so much to mind thinking what words would I use after the two words I Am. I never stopped to think that the two simple words, I AM, are so important. Think about it! What your response is may well be a forecaster for… Continue reading Spirituality and How to respond right after saying I AM
Spirituality and How to obtain the most from The Law of Divine Oneness
We have talked about the We-ness or one-ness of the AA program before. The AA program is not a solo project. AA uses the Law of Divine Oneness successfully. We are all in this together. The Big Book and the 12 Steps all talk of WE not I. I could not get sober by myself.… Continue reading Spirituality and How to obtain the most from The Law of Divine Oneness
This is your invitation to discovery!
Today at 3:00PM EST is our first of this week Zoom meeting for any and all who have a desire to stop drinking or drugging, have a desire to learn how recovery can become even better than it is now, and/or have an interest in someone who suffers from alcoholism or any of the other… Continue reading This is your invitation to discovery!
Spirituality and How to successfully deal with FEAR
The Big Book, in its passages pertaining to the Inventory process, lists character defects. After each defect, in parentheses, is the word FEAR. What this means is that fear is the root of all defects of character. Anger – fear of getting something. Anxiety – fear of losing something. Resentment – fear of others’ opinions,… Continue reading Spirituality and How to successfully deal with FEAR
Why don’t you join us?
Our Zoom Meeting with its daily topics of “Spirituality and (fill in the blank)” is waiting for you to join us. We are on every Monday through Friday at 3:00PM EST. Our meeting ID is 6035280704 and the password is 399778. We started during the Covid pandemic and are planning on continuing. This meeting is… Continue reading Why don’t you join us?
Spirituality and Why I don’t always have to be right
Long before I learned about the AA program, I had all of the answers and they were all right. Not only that, but I ALWAYS had to be right, even if very wrong. Soon after starting to work the AA program, I discovered that this attitude was making me a very unhappy person whenever I… Continue reading Spirituality and Why I don’t always have to be right
Spirituality and How To Know I AM Somebody
I believe that the most important words that one could ever speak about themselves are the words following “I am!” Think about it a moment. Say to yourself “I am!” What are your first thoughts after saying this? When I came into AA, I thought of myself as lower than a snake’s belly. I didn’t… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Know I AM Somebody
Come Zoom in and join us!
Every Monday through Friday at 3:00 PM EST since March 2020 we have had a Zoom meeting called Spirituality and …… We fill in the blank daily with a different topic. This is an AA meeting with a very strong Spiritual accent. It is open to anyone who has a desire to stop drinking or… Continue reading Come Zoom in and join us!
Spirituality and How To Deal With Stress
Stress is as real as a heart attack. Stress can be all consuming. Stress is also an indication of fear. The Big Book lists fear as the core of ALL character defects. When the Big Book talks of inventory, it lists (fear) in parentheses after each and every character defect. “I’m not afraid for me… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Deal With Stress
Spirituality and How to use the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law every bit as real as The Law of Gravity. A simple analogy is whenever one looks into a mirror, for instance in a bathroom, he gets an exact return image. This image is non judgmental, non altering exact reproduction of what faced it. The Law of Attraction… Continue reading Spirituality and How to use the Law of Attraction