Spirituality and Step 1. How it is not just for newcomers but for any who want to know how to begin working their program of recovery

When either beginning to work the program or reviewing our program, life can seem to be more of a struggle. I find it best to start with Step 1 and go on through the steps in order. Step 1 says “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable.” Common sense… Continue reading Spirituality and Step 1. How it is not just for newcomers but for any who want to know how to begin working their program of recovery

Spirituality and How To Make It Through A Long, Tough Day

When I was new to the AA Program, my thoughts were all over the place. I often wondered why I seemed to have more emotions than I had before. Whenever someone close, even only fairly close, was ill or made their transition, I became very emotional. Whereas before I didn’t get emotionally involved in hardly… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Make It Through A Long, Tough Day

Spirituality and Discussion With Reverend Stephanie Sorensen

Today, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, of the Life Enrichment Center (LEC) in Flint Township, MI. lecflint.com She is a “New Thought” minister who has agreed to share some of her vast knowledge of Spirituality and Recovery with us. To listen to this discussion, go to https://anchor.fm/james-b-boylan Please let us know what you think. We can be… Continue reading Spirituality and Discussion With Reverend Stephanie Sorensen

Spirituality and How To Understand The Ripple Effect

We talked briefly recently about the ripple effect and how it applies to our everyday thoughts and actions. Every particle in the Universe is in constant motion or vibration. Since all is in vibration, this causes a ripple effect. We learned this in high school science. Think of the smallest particle of all, the Atom,… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Understand The Ripple Effect

Latest guest for the Spirituality and Recovery Podcast

We have another amazing guest on our podcast tomorrow, Friday, February 3, 2022. Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, of the Flint, MI Life Enrichment Center, is a “New Thought” minister whose spiritual message is one that mirrors and enhances the messages forwarded by AA and other recovery groups. To reach our podcasts, go to https://anchor.fm//james-b-boylan

Spirituality and How To Realize Our Primary Purpose As Recovering Alcoholics

The AA Preamble that we hear before every meeting here ends with “Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.” This does not say that this is A purpose. It is OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE. I have seen too many people coming into the program who are instantly an expert… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Realize Our Primary Purpose As Recovering Alcoholics

Spirituality and How To Use Your Thoughts To Vastly Improve Your Entire System

Emmet Fox was the Spiritual Advisor for Bill W. and many of the earliest AA members. He was one of the earliest leaders of New Thought thinking. I rapidly took him, figuratively, from the grave and made him my Spiritual Advisor, too, through his writings, thoughts, and teachings. To this day, he never ceases to… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Use Your Thoughts To Vastly Improve Your Entire System

Spirituality and How To Recover After Suffering Significant Loss

Recovery from a significant loss can be a very stressful undertaking. To understand this better, let’s see what is included in significant loss. This can be the loss of a close person to death, jail, Alzheimer’s, or prison. Or our own lack of mobility, impending death, losing relationships, fading eyesight. And, yes, the loss of… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Recover After Suffering Significant Loss

Spirituality And In What Way Has This New Awareness Worked To Improve Or Worsen My Life Or Am I Just As Confused Now As Ever

The Program of AA gives us a whole new awareness. It shows us exactly how to take advantage of the spirituality that is mentioned in the program. OK, how do I use my continuing growth of spiritual knowledge to my advantage? It all goes back to the first 3 steps of AA. Also, how much… Continue reading Spirituality And In What Way Has This New Awareness Worked To Improve Or Worsen My Life Or Am I Just As Confused Now As Ever

Spirituality and How To Advance Your Attitude With The Amends Phase

“I’m sorry!” “I am sorry!” “I’m sorry, and I will never do that again!” When in the madness, how many times did you say this? And REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME? It was usually said with attitude. Probably to the very same people that you are getting ready to make amends to now? How many… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Advance Your Attitude With The Amends Phase

Podcast Update

Guests begin on our podcast on January 31, 2022. Our first guest will be Father Jay Gantz, from St. Andrews Church, Flint, MI. Father Jay has been in parishes in the inner cities of New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit to name a few, and has been at St. Andrews for over 20 years. Flint has… Continue reading Podcast Update