Spirituality and How to Remove “Luck” and “Coincidence” From Our Thinking!

Like many other people, I always thought that many things happened by coincidence or by luck. “Man, you were sure lucky when that truck missed you by inches.” “Hey, you are sure lucky that guy was not a better shot and you wore a vest for the first time.” “That was a real coincidence that… Continue reading Spirituality and How to Remove “Luck” and “Coincidence” From Our Thinking!

Spirituality and How To Express Unconditional Love

The term “Unconditional Love” is expressed a lot. It has been so for ages. The first question is just what is love? Webster states: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers. The object of attachment, devotion, or admiration. These definitions many… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Express Unconditional Love

Spirituality and How To Best Utilize Law of Vibration

We talked briefly yesterday about the ripple effect and how it applies to our everyday thoughts and actions. Everything in the Universe, every atom, object, living thing, is in constant motion. It is vibrating at a specific frequency. We learned this in high school science. The spiritual writer, Tanya Carrroll Richardson states, “Someone’s energy, or… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Best Utilize Law of Vibration

Spirituality and How To Differentiate Admitting From Accepting

Recently before one of our meetings here, I heard a short discussion on admitting and accepting. This started me thinking. Then, later the daily reading in one of my Spiritual readings, the Guide for Spiritual Living, discussed the same thing. The mention of this topic twice in a day or so reminds me that there… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Differentiate Admitting From Accepting

Spirituality and How To Appreciate Heart Vs. Head Learning

There are many educated, very knowledgeable people who come into AA, proving that academic prowess alone will not keep us away from our addictions. Much of this is because knowing something well enough to take a test or exam in school is only one way to learn. This type of learning many times is fleeting… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Appreciate Heart Vs. Head Learning

Spirituality and How To Work Your Inventory, Step 4

Step 4 states “Made a searching and fearless inventory of ourselves.” I have attended closed AA meetings seating from 75-100 people to much smaller numbers. Many of the meetings would concentrate on the steps. They had signs on the tables signifying the number of the step to be discussed there. Most of the time the… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Work Your Inventory, Step 4

Spirituality and How To Choose Heart Learning Over Head Learning

When I was in school, whether it was grade school or grad school, learning was pretty much the same. I would cram before a test or exam and, as soon as the test was over, “Poof” the new knowledge many times disappeared. This repeated itself with most of life’s experiences right up until I was… Continue reading Spirituality and How To Choose Heart Learning Over Head Learning