How you can have Spirituality and feel Gratitude without stressing!

The alarm went off at 6:30 AM today and I thought about how many times it had gone off when in the madness and early recovery and how miserable I had felt. As soon as Oreo, our Greyhound, took me for our first morning walk today, though, I got another taste of the feelings that I have had for a long time now in recovery. There was a light fog in the air slightly blurring the sights around us. We live alongside a creek and wetlands so we heard the geese honking, the crows yelling, and the songbirds serenading us. I find it difficult to think of problems when surrounded by God’s beauty. The singing was just for us, I am sure. This was just the first observation of what I am surrounded by that makes me grateful to be alive, well, and able to enjoy just being here, wherever here is. It is just that simple! Easy? Not always, but simple each and every time. You too can be Happy, Joyous, and Free if you stop fighting new, good thoughts and just let life unfold. For many of us, it begins with finally stopping fighting our addictions, whatever they are, accepting that we have them, and then working a program that will help us with the recovery. For me it is AA. For some it is NA. For some, it is overeating, gambling, or just anxiety over things that we can not possibly change. For all, it can be solved by first admitting our difficulties, then accepting the fact that we have them. Admitting and accepting are two entirely different things, though. To admit is just to know that there is a problem and to accept is to know that there is nothing that we can do about it. This means things like – I am 80 years old, white, male, about 6’2 (and shrinking) near 200 pounds, two elbows, one nose, you get the picture. Nothing I can do about these things. They just are. The next thing is to realize that there is a Power that can and will help if sought. This Power can be called God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Life, Circumstances, the name is not important. This Power that created all of the Universe and each and everything in it, stars and planets orbiting them, beings on some of them, at least on Earth, and every atom in these beings and its surroundings, is the same Power that can and will help if He is asked. With this kind of powerful creative background, how could He not be ready, able, and willing to help us? Stick with us on this journey and it can and will be made into OUR journey and I can promise you that, if you do, you will discover that this is a great way to live. Tired of merely existing? Then COD, come on down and walk with us. We all have everything to gain and nothing to lose if you do. Following this simple idea has made me Too Blessed To Be Stressed and it can do the same for you IF YOU LET IT!