because it is impossible to do!
That’s a pretty bold statement to say that something is impossible! Why would you say that? Because the Law of Attraction is as real as a heart attack and it says so!
So, just what is the Law of Attraction, anyway? states: “The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.”
A simple way of looking at this is to liken the Law of Attraction to a mirror of life. What you put into the mirror comes out exactly the same. So, positive in, positive out. Negative in, negative out.
Do you want to be happy, joyous, and free or do you want to be sad, mad, and depressed? You actually have a choice that only you can make for yourself. Get up in the morning and stub your toe. Decision time!
Then if you choose to say “This is going to be a lousy day,” chances are very good that you will have a louse day. But, if you simply wished you hadn’t done that and go on with your day, chances are good that you will have a better day.
So simple, but not always easy. It may be something that you will have to work on. But the rewards are beyond imagination if you do! Having trouble with this? I did too when I first heard about it.
Then I heard “Fake it ‘till you make it.” I realized that I could do that. Just look at all that I had been faking most of my life. But, I was told about the rewards that would come if I did, some slowly, but many others quite quickly.
So, I started faking turning a negative experience into something positive. I began having immediate positive results. Being addictive, I wanted more, much more. So I tried turning every negative into a positive.
What did I get? I got genuine happiness, joy, and freedom and have been ever since. The only difference is that I stopped faking it a long time ago because it worked so well.
So, how do you turn your life around from sad to glad? Say the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step, “God, help me,” and let Him. So simple and now it is easy too.
This is because the most powerful component of your being is your mind and thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your life. Simple and, now, easy. Thank you, God!
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