A Negative Mind Will Never Give You a Positive Life

Check out the Law of Attraction!

Negative and Positive Life
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

The Law of Attraction states that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. This can also be thought of as the Mirror of Life.

When you look into the bathroom mirror, what do you see? You see exactly what your face looks like, just what you put into it. Nothing less and nothing more. If you have an ugly spot on your face you see an ugly spot. If you have a smile on your face, you see a smile.

The same is true with the Mirror of Life. If you place a scowl into the mirror, you have unwanted circumstances. If you place a smile on your face, you have a better chance for a good or even a great day.

When in the madness of alcohol or drugs the mirror saw mostly bad junk being placed into it. This is why it sometimes seemed like you were walking around under that proverbial black cloud.

One thing keeps on leading to another. I am now reminded of the ripple effect and how it applies to our everyday thoughts and actions. Every particle in the Universe is in vibration and constant motion.

We learned this in high school science. Think of the smallest particle of all, the Atom, and how it is in a state of constant motion in its center. This teeny atom is the foundation of absolutely everything.

This explains the adage that, as a Spiritual Being, I am an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists. Ever hear about or feel someone emitting “Good Vibes?” Or, bad vibes?” These vibes are actual spiritual vibrations that everyone has and emits.

Also, everything has its own specific vibration or energy frequency. So, high-energy particles are naturally attracted to other high-energy particles and low-energy particles are attracted to other low-energy particles.

This is like how a flower attracts a butterfly. Also, like attracts like. When I have a thought or perform any action, it stands to reason that, after that, if I wish to be Happy, Joyous, and Free, I should seek out others working for the same thing and put myself near them.

Then, above all, I will share their vibrations, so to speak.

Simple but, at first, not easy. How do I do it? Once again, I say the shortened version of the 3rd Step and then go with the flow. The shortened version is simply saying “God help me.” Then let Him!

This is why we feel so good when we leave an AA meeting or someone to whom we have an attraction. We are with others who seek the same. What goes around comes around. The vibrations I feel, others feel. Also, what others emit, I feel.

Think of some time when you met with a high-energy person. You could actually feel the energy flowing from them. This could be simply a small shiver or vibration. Energy is always flowing, greater or lesser, depending on how much we can believe in its existence.

This is just like physical energy. Wind, electricity, and rivers, are always moving. Just remember that it goes both ways and you will then understand the oneness of the universe.

Let’s flip it, now. Think of some time when you met with a low-energy person. One in a real downer. Gloom and doom seem to hover all around them. You begin to feel the joy seeping out of you leaving you tired and weaker.

How does this apply to me in AA? When I totally turn my will and my life over to a Power greater than myself, in Step 3, all of the above takes place and I, seemingly magically, become Happy, Joyous, and Free.

Surrender to the Higher Power and you, too, will be Happy, Joyous, and Free. If this formerly angry, violent, obnoxious creature can do it, you can too!


None of this means that you will be happy, joyous, or free about something bad happening. The loss of a loved one. A serious injury or illness. The loss of a job. I know that you know what I mean.

What it DOES mean is that you will be happy, joyous, and free throughout life because you will be: happy that you can make decisions that used to baffle you; joyous because you will make these decisions without the influence of a mind-altering drug; free of any mind-altering substances.

I no longer emit a bad energy vibration. The good vibration is felt by both the donor and the donee. Look at the beautiful, simple gift that you can give to yourself and those around you.

So, if you want a happy, joyous, free positive life, try using the shortened version of the 3rd Step by saying “God, help me,” then get out of His way and let Him. It works for me every time! Thank you, God!

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