because they just don’t belong there!
Like so many other people, I always thought that many things happened by coincidence or by luck. “Man, you were sure lucky when that truck missed you by inches.”
“That was a real coincidence that you showed up at that meeting for the first time when so and so did too and you ended up being married for a long time since then.”
I firmly believe that there are no coincidences. Also, that luck has nothing to do with accomplishment. We are spiritual, eternal beings experiencing this human existence.
As such, our lives are guided by Divine insight, not luck, or coincidence. My Spiritual existence is eternal. How do I know this?
AA Step 2 says “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”
Step 3 says “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”
Because Step 2 tells me that there is a Power greater than me “running the show,” so to speak. Step 3 tells me that this Higher Power is there in any way, shape, or form that I choose. I only must acknowledge that It is there.
I can call this Higher Power God, Jesus Christ, Creator, Allah, Buddha, the Sun, Moon, or even the AA Group. In this way, I can identify with all beings because I am One with God and All that exists.
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The Creator is the original I Am and so is everything. One with all that exists. This means that there is no “God and…” Just God! How much simpler this makes everything!
I don’t have a need or even the desire to analyze this any more than I have. I don’t have a need to broadcast this. I don’t have a need to do anything other than know that there is a Power greater than I.
Then I surrender to this Power using Step 3. Then I don’t worry about anything anymore. Then the next right thing just seems to happen. Why is this simple idea so difficult to accomplish?
For me, it is because I had worked a lifetime building up different thoughts and ideas and it was all that I knew. Now, if I worry about anything at all, all that I must do is go back to the shortened version of the 3rd Step by saying “God, help me,” and move on with my life.
Nowhere does luck or coincidence come into this equation. It is all accomplished by my faith in my newfound Higher Power. This Power was always with me but I was too preoccupied with myself to notice.
All I have to do is ask. CBA comes to my mind here. I Conceive that the founders of AA knew what they were doing and it has been proven uncountable times that they did.
They told me that, if I only acted as if I Believed, I soon would believe and the results would be just what I prayed for. This means that I Achieve the asked-for results.
![Creative mind](*Siid_3JZNEznzG9oNEaR0A.jpeg)
I was not lucky to have Conceived the idea of a 3:00 Zoom AA meeting for people who were homebound by the pandemic or even physical restraints.
I Believed that it would be successful and surrounded myself with other like-minded AA members to help get this going. Finally, WE Achieved the desired results and we have continued attracting other like-minded people.
Coincidence and luck had nothing to do with this. It is a true blessing for us all. Thank you for continuing to bless us all with your presence and input. Are we all the same? No. There are some wide differences.
What we are all united in, though, is a belief in this Higher Power and a wish to let as many people as possible know about it. That is why I say that this is not a coincidence or luck. This is a blessing for all of us.
Thank you, God!
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Please join us at our AA Zoom meeting. It is every Monday through Friday, 3:00 PM EST, including holidays. The Meeting ID is 6035280704. Password 399778.