
Wake Up, Wake Up You Sleepyhead. Get Up. Get Up. Get Out Of Bed

Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red. Step 12

Wake up
Image by Micha from Pixabay

The lyrics sung by Jaye P. Morgan and others years ago say so much with so little. What do they say according to the advice given by the Red, Red Robin? Stay in bed and miss everything. Get up and join the marvelous world and all that it has to give and it is yours.

Step 12 states: “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” 

This is a 3 part step of a summary of what the AA Program has done and what it chooses for us to do as we continue. When arriving at this Step, it doesn’t say that we must have a “burning bush” or “come to Jesus” moment.

Part 1, a spiritual awakening. What it does say is that we had a spiritual awakening. An awakening is defined by Britannica Dictionary as “to become aware of (something)” You might know it as an “Ah ha” moment.

Some have known about our spiritual being for some time but many of us are just learning about this after joining AA. We become aware of maybe not thinking of drinking for a certain amount of time, whereas before it was usually on our minds. 

We may notice that some matters that seemed so important to us in the past, such as our resentments, are now less pressing. “I went for a couple of hours without thinking of that so and so and, before, he was always on my mind.” 

With these small steps as a beginning, we started taking longer strides and discovered that we really liked the mellower feelings that we were getting. 

We find ourselves saying “God, Help Me” more often and then waiting for the answer, which came in many ways. We find that we are not constantly looking in the rearview mirror as much as we did, either in the mirror of the car or the mirror of our lives. 

We discover that it is really more comfortable to live in the now and not the past or future. We find that many others are treating us differently — much better than before. 

We find that we have a real conscience, not one that is constantly saying “I’m sorry.” We feel so good that we want everyone to feel the same and want to bring everyone into this amazing way of life. 

Next is the 2nd part of this Step. Carrying the message. It doesn’t take long for us to understand that not everyone wants or even needs this program. We should use our clearing minds to decide when and where to promote it. 

A good place to start is at regular AA meetings. How do we do this? We simply tell our own story. We can relate to many others at the meetings but PLEASE do not compare. I have not worn your shoes nor you mine so the only one that we can truly understand is ourselves. 

The 3rd part of this Step states that we practice these principles in all our affairs. This is working our program 24/7/365. “But how can I ever have any fun again if I am always thinking AA Program?” 

Almost everything that you did for fun before AA is being done now by others in AA. Play golf, ride motorcycles, dance, paint, write — you name it and there is another who is in AA that is doing it. Doing it now without drinking! True! 

Not only doing it but enjoying it and remembering it all the next day. This is the great start we now have to become Happy, Joyous, and Free. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, here is your answer. Simple but not easy. 

But you are no longer alone. There are millions around the world just waiting for the opportunity to help you. So, COD, Come On Down and join us. We look forward to meeting you. Thank you, God!

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