Every particle in the Universe is in constant motion
Law of Attraction Image by steven latulippe from Pixabay
Ever drop a pebble in a still pond and watch the ripples that move out from where the pebble struck the water? This ripple effect applies to our everyday thoughts and actions. Every particle in the Universe is in constant motion.
Think of the smallest particle of all, the Atom, and how it is in a constant state of motion in its center. This teeny-tiny atom is the foundation of all, including us.
We are Spiritual Beings living in a Spiritual Universe. This Universe is governed by Spiritual Law. This helps explain the adage that, as a Spiritual Being, I am an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists.
Also, everything has its own specific energy frequency. High energy particles are naturally attuned to other high energy particles and low energy particles are attuned to other low energy particles. Like attracts like.
Remember when you were around a person with high energy? You know the kind. Always happy and smiling and singing. It is difficult not to feel actual vibrations from their energy when they smile at you.
verywellmind.com states “The Law of Attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.”
When someone smiles at me it is very difficult not to smile back or at least feel better because of it. If someone frowns at me it is very difficult not to wonder what is wrong at the very least.
Think of being in a large crowd at a sporting event. The place is packed. The score is close. Your team is behind by 1 point entering the final seconds of the game.
The star of your team has the ball and is nearing scoring position. The star defensive player is covering your star like a glove. The crowd is out of their seats and on their feet and going crazy. You can actually feel the powerful vibes. How can you not feel the vibes?
Is this the time that you think of staying seated and returning a text? I don’t think so. The energy is real and FELT. It is contagious.
The Law of Attraction has you in the center of common excitement. Reverend Stephanie Sorensen says that the Vibrations are what cause the attraction to occur. Just like peanut butter and jelly, it is difficult to think of one without the other. Attraction — Vibration!
This works whenever I have a thought or perform an action. It seems obvious that, if I wish to be Happy, Joyous, and Free, I should seek others working for the same thing. I should put myself near them. Simple but, at first, not easy.
How do I do it? Once again, the shortened version of the 3rd step. This is simply saying “God, help me,” and then getting out of His way and letting Him.
This is why we feel so good when we leave an AA meeting or someone whom we love. When there, we are with others who seek the same. What goes around comes around. What I feel, others feel. What others feel, I feel.
Think of a time when you were near a high-energy person. Just remember how you could actually feel the energy flowing from them. Energy is always flowing, greater or lesser. Simply remember that it goes both ways and you will then understand the oneness of the universe.
How does this apply to me in AA? When I totally turn my will and my life over to a Power greater than myself in Step 3, all of the above takes place. Then I, seemingly magically, become Happy, Joyous, and Free.
Surrender to this Higher Power and you, too, will be Happy, Joyous, and Free. If this formerly angry, violent, obnoxious creature can do it, you can too! God bless you!
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