As a Divine Being, God created you perfectly. Do you think that He wants you to be any less now?

Edwene Gaines, a spiritual author, and speaker is quoted as saying “Wonderful, magical things can happen if you are willing to commit to putting yourself out there, stepping outside your comfort zones, playing at the game of risk. It feels like risk. It feels like playing without a net. But when you make a commitment, you’re never playing without a net — because God is your net.”
First, let’s come to an understanding. I believe that we all know that The One that created the ever-expanding universe to operate perfectly also created everything within it. This includes you and me. We all may have separate names for this Power: God, Allah, Buddha, The Sun, Jesus Christ, the AA Group, Church, or anything else.
Whatever we call this Higher Power, it is the same One. I choose to call my Higher Power God. But, what I call God is the same Power that you may call something different. In this matter, there is no right or wrong. Just different.
Now, let’s return to the topic of what God wants from you. We were all born spiritual beings. Living in a spiritual universe. That is governed by spiritual law.
And, as Divine beings, we are individualized expressions of God. And one with all that exists.
As an individualized expression of God and one with all, you are like an individual drop of water in the ocean. When there are no external disturbances such as wind, temperature changes, or a bejillion other sorts, the ocean can be calm both above and below a glassy surface.
As large as the ocean is, it returns to a state of calm after the outer disturbances move on.
Besides creating us all perfect and in His image, He gave us free will. This is where the disturbances or differences in mankind arise. We must risk the quality of our lives by expanding our comfort zones.
By expanding our comfort zones, we are truly comfortable with so much more than we ever imagined before.
As large as mankind is, it returns to a more calm setting.
God did not stop being perfect Himself or wish us to, either. Poverty is not something that praises or glorifies God. Push the comfort zone and know the rewards!
This is why I believe that God wants you and me to be Happy, Joyous, and Free. To return to a state of peace after one or more of life’s disturbances appear.
How do you do this? Simply say the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step, “God help me,” and then get out of His way and let Him. Thank you, God!
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