Just what can I do to handle the ideas of World Peace, Covid19, and someone else’s sobriety? Am I concerned because I regularly pay close attention to the often conflicting news accounts and social media? Especially since the airwaves and electronic media are filled with interviews of experts. These experts include political insiders, Hollywood stars, and famous athletes. They tell us just what measures are needed!
It doesn’t work if these are the measures that I have been taking to deal with life. Also, did I pour the alcohol down the throat of the other person? Or did he do it himself? Remember the Serenity Prayer. It states that we seek the Serenity to accept the things that we can not change. Also the Courage to change the things that we can. It goes on to state “the Wisdom to know the difference.”
The wisdom to know the difference is the standout portion of this prayer. Spirituality shows us that the only thing that we can change is ourselves. There is a long list of nagging, staggering problems that we as humankind face. We must have the wisdom to know that, if it is not ourselves, we can not change it. Let alone deal with it! Therefore, I put my efforts into changing my thoughts and attitudes into something positive. This way, I can truly be Happy, Joyous, and Free. By turning it over to God, I let him handle the problems. It is then that I can be able to assist with the earlier posed problems. Not handle them!
My last point is this. That using my Spiritual knowledge definitely does work for me. As it states in the 2nd paragraph of How it Works, “If you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it…” then Come on down! Couldn’t seem to be able to handle anything. I relatively quickly started getting some serenity in my life. Continually remain willing to go to any lengths. I am paid off by being truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. I am now also blessed to be able to help others. Not change them. And for knowing the difference, I am extremely grateful. It is yours for the taking! I try to stay away from the news shows. Also, I regularly use the shortened version of the 3rd Step. I simply say “God, help me.” And He does!
Question for the day: How do you handle the problems that continue coming at us during our Human Experience? We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours.
Bless you all!
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