
Spirituality and How to Continue My Growth in AA

Sobriety is not something that came easily for many of us. Spiritual growth was not even a part of my thoughts. Once we started to work our program, we wanted more growth. Much more! Then we hoped that this was not just another “quick fix” that would disappear just as quickly as it appeared. I wondered how I could keep maturing and even improve on it. After all, you folks had told me it could be done. Then came learning how to keep that sobriety. It is just like keeping love. I had to give it away to keep it. Share it! This seemed like the ultimate oxymoron. Give it away to keep it. This just didn’t make any sense to me. Especially when I first heard it.

I began feeling much better about myself. This growth led to going for longer bits of time without thinking of drinking. The growth was felt and it felt great! I was advised by my sponsors that this was because I was “buying in” to the Spiritual aspect of the AA Program. Having an addictive personality, more was craved. I was feeling better. Thus, I wanted to continue the growth. So I began studying Spirituality. It was at this time that it was suggested that I look into the teachings of Emmet Fox. Dr. Fox had been the Spiritual Advisor to Bill W. and the earliest AAs. I learned that his Sermon on the Mount had been used as the first AA Big Book. It was used until Bill compiled what we know today as The Big Book. After reading The Sermon on the Mount, I was really intrigued by what I was learning there.

I wanted to continue my growth in Spirituality. So, I went on to search for and read many of Mr. Fox’s teachings. As many as I could locate. I made him my unofficial Spiritual Advisor. Whenever I had a question or sense of a feeling or attitude, I would try to locate what Fox had written about it. In this way, I was able to explain learn more about myself. Also, where I was in my maturing process. My serenity was growing. I learned that another name for God is Love. I also learned that my God is not some figure in the form of a human man with long hair. He was not sitting on a golden throne “out there” somewhere. He was not judging and punishing me. IT is Spirit and is in all of us. Also, that we are extensions of It and one with all that exists. WOW!

I had heard, seemingly forever, that God was going to punish me. That he would send me to Hell for whatever I was thinking or doing. He was waiting “up there” for me when I died. He had a ledger and formed two lines. If he said I was good I was placed in the Heaven line. When He said I was bad, I was placed in the Hell line. If he was not sure at the time, I was sent to Purgatory. I would stay there until He decided which of the two lines I belonged in. My mindset was narrowing, not broadening. This definitely was not growth. This was slow death for me!

Then I learned that my God could be anything I wished. I could call It anything! It was a personal God inside my own heart. I grabbed on and didn’t want to ever lose the growth. It was then that I learned to keep this Love flowing. To do this, I had to give it away. Things have just continued to widen each and every day since. I now have a Spiritual Advisor. Reverend Stephanie Sorensen is right here in Flint. She continues adding to the growth that I first received from AA. This first acknowledgement led to Emmet Fox. And this led to her.

So, there is an answer the question posed in the topic. How do we continue our growth in AA? JUST DO IT! Continue your daily spiritual reading. Attend AA meetings regularly. PARTICIPATE in the meetings. Get a sponsor or sponsors. In other words, continue your growth! See? This is a very simple program for very complicated folks! So, utilize, don’t analyze.

You may want what I have found. Maybe you are willing to go to any lengths to get it. If so, then COD. Come on down. You are in the right place. I am truly Happy, Joyous, and Free every day. This does not mean that I am jokin’ and smokin’ every day. But I am now able to deal with the forks in my road that life keeps placing. This is accomplished without using a mind-altering substance to do it. For this, I am grateful. Thank you, God! The beauty is that it can be yours, too. How? Just take it and then JUST DO IT! Bless you, all!

More can be found on our other pages. We have an AA Zoom meeting, blogs, and a podcast, in addition to our Facebook page. They are updated regularly. We hope that you will join us on these sites and comment so that we can share with each other our experiences, strengths, and hopes. The Zoom meeting is every Monday through Friday, 3:00 PM EST. Meeting ID is 6035280704, Password 399778. To locate the blogs and Facebook pages, simply search @Spiritualityandrecovery. For the podcast, search Spotify.com for Spiritualityandrecovery. On iPhone say “Hey Siri, Play the podcast Spiritualityandrecovery”

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